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After Jake left we went back to the gang house no one had heard from Jake since he left and I was starting to get worried.

"Don't worry he'll be fine" I nod at what Alex said. But it seemed more like he was trying to convince himself. Then Jared their uncle turns on the news. Just then Jake's car appears on tv flipped over on the side of he road.

Moments later his phone rings. "Hello?" He then walks out of the room. Minutes later he walks back in.

"They say Jake is at the hospital and no other people were injured" we all nod and follow him out the door. When we arrived at the hospital and me and the twins wait outside for their mother.

When Jake's mother arrives she looks like she's about to pass out. "Where's my son?" She asks shaking. Jared walks to her and his wife Marisa and help her sit down. "You have to calm before you see him this is not good for you nor the baby" she nods and tries to calm down.

"Who is mr. James guardian?" Jake's mother stands up and walks to the doctor. "How is he doing doctor?"

"He suffered a lot of injuries but right now he is out of danger" she lets out a breath of relief. "Can I see him?" She asks almost crying. "He's out of danger but I think it would be best if you wait until tomorrow so we have time to monitor him. I'm sure your son would t want you to worry and get sick" she nods.

Minutes later we all went to their house to wait. After a bit of crying Jake's mom went to sleep.

I didn't sleep at all I felt guilty he should have let me die. I'm not important to anyone. I only have one friend beside him and no family to go back to but him, he has his mom, brothers, uncles, aunts, friends, gang even. Why would he risk his life to save someone who is not important? 

The next day everyone rushed to the hospital. First his mom went into the room. She didn't even stay for long before walking out crying.

Then his brothers, then aunt and uncle, later his other uncles, and some other friends. I went after Elliot the strong boy who's always smiling was now in a corner with his head down holding back tears.

Then I walked in what I saw only made me tear up. As he lay in that hospital bed all filled with bruises and broken bones not moving at all besides breathing he looked peaceful but somehow felt broken. Jake was hurt and it was all because of me.

I walked out of the room feeling cold and alone. I walked down halls and finally got to the exit. I sat in a corner on the outside. Something else had broken inside me.

It was all my fault he was on that bed because of me. I should have left after mom died. Why did he have to find me that day and hold me back? I could have just gone away and he would have been okay none of this would have happened.

Then someone stood next to me "you don't have to blame yourself, my son is not on that hospital bed because of you" Jake's mom says. "It is it's my fault he's there"

"I know my son and he's as stubborn as his father. He went because he wanted to, I've seen the way he looks at you and the way you look at him. You two care for one another and that's why he did it" she says and smiles. "You being gone would hurt him way more than being in that bed"

"My son told me when you first met he really liked you for two things the way you made him see the world and the way you smiled and I really hope you can keep doing that for him. When he wakes up I hope you two make up and don't end up regretting and after years you get back together but there's someone else and you end up having to choose and at some point you realize it was always the right choice you just never made it"

"Sound like you know about it" she sighs. "A bit I've heard stories and trust me even if you do try to end it think about him you won't even be able to do it" she smiles and walks back inside.

After about an hour I go back inside and into his room. "Why are you back now?" I turn to him and he smiles. "Come here" he says and I walk towards him and give him a hug and soon I'm crying my eyes out.

"Don't worry I'm here now you're going to be okay" he says which makes me pull him closer. Then he tenses up. "Sorry I forgot you got hurt there" he shakes his head which makes him flinch in pain. "It's fine as long as I get to hug you" he pulls me closer and even if he's in pain he isn't letting go. My only reason to live was back and this time I wasn't going to let go even if he wanted me to.

Gang Leaders Son (gang leader #2)Where stories live. Discover now