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No one really did anything in the morning we didn't even eat turkey we just watched some tv and then ate from yesterday's food. They did sing happy birthday to me and we ate a small cake but no one really felt like doing much.

I was currently in the gym I know I spend a bunch of time here but since it's built inside the house I don't really have to go out. I'm actually kind of happy my father asked for this to be built course if not I would be taking out my anger on the furniture upstairs.

As I was hitting the punching bag someone came into the gym. "Who is it?" The person walks in front of me. "It's me kid" aunt Kara says walking to a far side of the room to run in the thread mil.

"Hey aunt Kara" she turned to me. "What's up kid?" She says running. "Every one else might not be so happy about your stay here but I'm happy I got to meet you" I say and start picking up my things. "Thanks kid" she said and I walked out. I know I should be mad at her but I decided I was going to forgive her for everything no one else did.

After taking a shower and putting on some sweat pants I sat on my bed and started watching tv when someone walked into the room through the window.

The person just walked to the door closed it and then took outa knife. "You say anything and I will stab you" I nod and keep watching tv. "So what you doing?" I say standing up from my place and moving to get a shirt. "......" I sigh putting on one of my sleeveless shirts. "If your gonna threaten me you have to tell me what you want" I say sitting down. He takes of his mask and when I see who it is I almost run away.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead or something?" He sighs. "Yea I was supposed to be dead but I survived" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Then who is the dead guy your family held a service for?"

"Some guy from the other gang I don't know, just can you help me out man?" He says passing a hand through his hair. "So what do you need?" His face lights up a bit but then goes back to normal. "Can you get me out of the country for a while?" He says smiling sadly. "Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere is fine" I nod. "I'll make some calls it might take at most until lunch time tomorrow" he nods. "Thanks"

"You are welcome to stay in the closet until you leave" I open the door revealing the massive walk in closet. "You own all of this?" I nod amused at his face. "There's a mini fridge in there if you need anything" he nods and goes inside closing the door behind him.

Just after he closes the door Ema walks in. "Hey Jake are you talking to someone" I shake my head. "Nope I was talking on the phone just a second ago" she nods. "I brought you your present" she said with a smile and when I looked at her hands she had a big box in her hands. She then walked to my bed and put it down.

"What is it?" She smiles. "Open it" after I opened it all I could do was smile. "I love it" I said looking down at the electronic picture frame" my eyes got a bit teary. The pictures were one of me and her the others were of me and my family and then at the end one of me and dad a week before he died. I didn't know what to say. "Do you like it" I nod. "I love it as much as I love you with is a lot". She smiles widely. "I love you to"

"I'm really glad you two love each other but could you stop its making my eyes hurt" Ema jumped away from me looking in the closets direction. I then walked to the closet door and opened it making Brandon fall out. "Surprise!" I said with annoyance in my tone.

She looked at the person at the closet door and she almost fainted. "I thought you were..." He nods. "Dead yea I know" she looks at me for an explanation. "You see those idiots who kidnapped you are trying to kill him. And even if I hate him I can't live with the guilt of when I thought he was dead so I guess I owe him" she nods. "I won't be here long so you all don't have to worry about dying" he says with an awkward smile.

After discussing what he was gonna do after leaving he went to hide in the closet and I fell asleep. In the morning someone screamed and I'm guessing it was mom. "What's up mom" I said half asleep. "Who is this boy and why is he sleeping in your closet or is he dead?"

"Brandon!!!" He jumps up almost falling back on the floor. "Mom this is Brandon don't worry he's leaving today and please if I killed someone do you really think I would keep him in my closet" she smiles and walks out of the closet still confused.

After the whole mess I went through I finally got Brandon on a plane. I sent him to a place where people wouldn't look for him for now. "I can't believe he's alive" Ema said in the car we were driving back home and she still couldn't accept the fact he was alive I couldn't either but I didn't really care.

Then some idiots stopped a car right in front of us. "What the hell!" I said as the guy took out a gun and walks towards us. Maybe this really is the end.

Gang Leaders Son (gang leader #2)Where stories live. Discover now