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When I got home I still wasn't allowed to go to school and had another week of bed rest.

I am so bored out of my mind. "Morning Jake" Ema said giving me a peck on the lips. We got back together after the whole mess oh and she's going to therapy and I'm guessing it is helping a bit.

"Hey you're gonna be late today right?" She nods and smiles. "Remember you promised to go on a date as soon as you got better" I nod and she walk out of the house ,then the twins, then mom, God I'm so lonely.

I spent the whole day on the couch watching tv. Then I remembered that neither of them was coming home early today.

Then someone opened the door. I walked slowly to the door and grabbed my pocket knife. Before I know it I'm holding someone against the wall. "Take it easy dude" Elliot says smiling. "Sorry"

He laughs and walks to the couch. "So what did you do today?" I groan. "That bad?" I nod. "And next time don't go by yourself I don't know what I would do if something happened to you" I nod.

It must have been really hard on him if what happened to me would have happened to him it would be the same for me. He's like my brother. If your brother having a crush on you is normal.

Yeah Elliot is gay at first I was a bit shocked but I got over it I mean it's not like he's a murderer he was still my best friend.

When he told his parents it was the hardest time George was the one that had the hardest time with it but his family did get over it.

However his older brother was not okay with it and he would beat him up claiming he was going to beat the gay out of him. I of course had something to say about that. Let's just say he didn't look good for a while.

I want him to find someone but once I asked he told me about his old crush on me. I mean don't blame him but I couldn't return the feelings. One of these days I'm sure he'll find someone that loves him.

In an unrelated note if I was gay my first option would be him. I mean the dude has a body like a Greek god mine is better but you know. [laughs awkwardly]

"We need to get you a man" I say which makes him laugh. "Don't you're terrible at setting up people" I hit the back of his head. "No I'm not I mean....." He laugh. "Nothing to say huh?" I sigh.

After a while mom gets home, then the twins and Ema and Sara decided to stop by.

After dinner we all sit on the sofas Sara and Alex sit on one, Andrew sits on the floor , and I sit in between Ema and Elliot.

"You have a nice boyfriend" Elliot says to Ema. " can have him"

"I don't want him he's arrogant and whines to much" he smiles. "You know I'm right here" I say and the others try not to laugh. "You know what would be better we get boyfriends and leave him behind" Ema says and they both nod.

"That's okay I still have Sara" I look at her. "Nope" I nod and shrink into my seat. Then we all start laughing.

I guess there are happy days.

Then someone rings the door bell. My mom opened the door and in came a police officer. "Are you Cassie James?" My mom nods. "We were informed that Kara is your responsibility" my mom nods. "Why what happened to her?"

"I'm back bitches!" Some unknown lady says walking into the house. "Thank you officers" my mom says and closes the door. "Why are you here?" She says to the other lady who I assume is Kara. "I need a place to crash for a while" my mom nods but I can see the hatred in her eyes.

"Mom who is this?" I ask. "This is your aunt Kara she's your fathers sister" my mom says. But I never heard of any sister. "Speaking of brothers I heard he died" her expression changing from happy to disappointment. "Yea" I said. "Wait a moment this I Jake?" My mom nods. "Wow you were a baby when I kidnapped you you've grown so much" she said amazed. "If you're going to stay here Kara refrain yourself from unwanted comments" my mom says in a serious tone and Kara walks up to an empty room.

"Nice person that Kara" my mom sighs. "About a year ago her and your father finally started talking after all she did but she's on the run from the gang she used to be leader of not exactly the most loyal people" I nod.

"She can stay mom I don't have a problem with it" mom nods and walk to the kitchen.

"Who is she?" Ema, Alex and Andrew say. "That is our aunt" I sigh and walk to the couch and sink into it.

Well this is gonna be interesting.

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