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Yesterday was my first time hearing I had an aunt called Kara. Dad never once mentioned her and I'm not surprised she seems like a lot of trouble. If I ever have a sister like her I'll kill someone.

She's been living here for one day and she's found twenty ways to annoy me. Today I called uncle Jared just so I could have a civilized conversation where I don't want to kill no one since I'm still not completely healthy.

I was in the study when uncle Jared arrived. "Hey kid what's up?" I sigh. "My dads sister is what's up" I sigh. "Kara is her?" He says as if afraid of something. "Is she that scary?" He nods. "She used to have her own gang and she almost killed me, you, your dad, mom, and Harry she's not exactly the nicest relative" he says as if remembering all that has happened.

"Hey kid do you know where there's a pack of cigarettes?" Kara says walking in. As she walks in she suddenly stops and looks at uncle Jared. "It's been a long time hasn't it?" She said and he smiled. "I heard you got married and have a kid" he nods. "Yea heard you live here now" she nods.

"Sadly" she sighs then looks at me. "The smokes" I open one of my drawers and give her a new pack and a lighter. "Thanks" she walks out and closes the door.

"You used to date right?" Uncle Jared almost jumps at my question. "More importantly a kid your age shouldn't smoke" I groan. "Oh come on your gonna stop me after a year?" He looks surprised.

"One year?" I shrink in my chair. "Yea one year" he sighs. "You are so much like your father"

"Thank you" I smile and walk with him out of the study. "Where did she get those cigarettes?" My mom asks looking at me. "They were in the study I found them while I was looking for some papers but since I don't smoke I gave them to aunt Kara" she nods and walks back into the kitchen.

"You are such a liar, looking at your mother straight in the eyes while you lie I'm so disappointed" after a while he left since he has other stuff to do at the actual company.

Mom was at work and everyone had left except Ema and aunt Kara because Ema had to take a break from school to go to the hospital for treatment.

"When are you going again?" She smiles. "About two hour from now" I nod. "Don't you kiss or something?" We turn around and see aunt Kara. "Not with other people around and besides you should not disrespect people so much I may be younger but I own the house" she nod holding her hand up as a sign of giving up. "I'm gonna go to the gym for a while see you kids later" she walks out of the living room.

"So about that kissing thing?" I look at Ema. "Nope doctor said you had to be careful with your wounds" I smirk. "We're just kissing it's not like we're gonna do something else" she walks away from me. "Oh come on I'm a patient don't I get special treatment?" "Nope!" Later she left for her appointment so I stayed alone in the living room.

I got a phone call from one of the gang members so I answered since aunt Kara wasn't in the room. "Hello?"

"Hello Jake?" I sigh. "What happened now?"

"Well you see one of the gang members in the other gang killed one of our guys" he sighs. "Did you catch him?" "Yes" "well make sure you keep him locked up, torture him for all I care but make sure he's still alive when I go there next week because I'm gonna kill the bastard!" I scream with anger. "Okay sir" I hang up and throw the phone at the wall.

"Well you are just like your father aren't you" I turn around and see Kara. "What do you want, if it's smokes I'm down to my last pack and right now I need them more than you" she shakes her head. "No kid I wasn't gonna ask for them. I just happened to be coming upstairs and heard you on the phone. You don't have to get all on the defensive with me" she then walks away. I know I'm supposed to be nice to family but dam she's a total bitch.

After Ema got back home we didn't really speak I was still thinking about what had happened to one of the guys and what I was gonna do. I could sense Ema felt kind of hurt by me ignoring her but with how angry I am, I'm not sure it's a good idea. I don't want to hurt her.

Then someone walked towards me and sat next to me I had my eyes closed so I didn't know who it was. "Who is it?"

"It's me" Ema says sitting on my lap. "What's up?" I say opening my eyes. "I wanted to see if you were okay" I nod. "I'm fine I'm just a bit tired from staying here all day" I sigh. "Don't worry doctor said you could go to school next week it's not the best thing but at least you'll be out of the house" I nod.

"Thanks" I pull her closer. "I love you" I said closing my eyes. "I love you to" I smiled at her comment but then felt guilt. It's just I know we're back together and I love her but I don't want her to get hurt not again. Because of me she's in danger but if I leave her she'll be in danger and alone. I don't know what to do.

"Let's go eat dinner your mom asked me to call you" I nod and stand up with her and walk to the dining room.

After dinner I went to bed but couldn't sleep. Maybe my life was not meant to be completely happy from the start.

Gang Leaders Son (gang leader #2)Where stories live. Discover now