Chapter One

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(Notice: Every human depicted or described in this story is not a fictional character. The humans in this story are all 100% real.)

His stroll to the top of the mountain was a quiet one...

He let out a long sigh. His steps were heavy up the beaten path leading to the summit. Hands in his coat and eyes looking down at his shoes, it was obvious to any observer that he had something on his mind. His frown was deep. He looked unhappy. About what though, he wouldn't say...

He reached the top of the mountain. He hopped in a half-circle, walking backwards, looking out at the forest below. It was a beautiful scene. The sun was low in the sky; orange and purple-ish streaks of light filled the top half of this beautiful landscape. He took it in with a sigh, his deep brown eyes sparkling, reflecting the scenery back onto itself.

His foot caught on a jagged rock, and he fell...



He groaned in pain, clutching his right leg. The scenery was gone now. It was replaced by dark cave walls. He laid on his side of a patch of golden flowers, breathing in shaky, unsteady volumes. "I will not go into shock. I will not go into shock." He repeated to himself firmly. He breathed out slowly, then pushed himself up onto his feet.

He took in his surroundings. Around him: dark walls. Below him: a bed of golden flowers. Above him: the sunset sky above. He called for help a few times, with no answer in return. In front of him: another cave opening, and the frame of a large door. He made his way towards it, limping slowly on his right leg.

A yellow flower popped out of the ground in front of him. He flinched in surprise; it had risen to meet him. It even had a welcoming smile on its face. "Hi there!" It said cheerfully. A talking flower? He knelt down in front of it as the flower continued.

"I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!" He said cheefully. "Uh...hi there...Flowey. I'm Alex." The human introduced himself. "Deelighted to meet ya! I'm guessin' you're new here to the Underground, ain't ya?" Flowey asked with a bit of a sly grin. Alex nodded. "Yeah. I fell down this hole. Pretty sure my leg's messed up." Alex summarized briefly. He sighed.

"Well golly, sounds like you're in a real pickle" Flowey said, his smile sinking into a frown of concern. "I can help you out with your leg though!" Flowey offered. Alex, only half attention to Flowey, stood up carefully, pulling out an iPhone from his pocket. "Ugh. No service, of course. My friggin carrier sucks, man." He complained to Flowey, whose eyebrow was raised in mild frustration.

"Hey. I said I can help you with your leg, buddy." Flowey repeated himself. Alex pocketed his phone. "Sorry. You say you can help my leg?" Flowey nodded with a smile. "Yes I can. You want my help, right?" Flowey asked, grinning slyly again, almost playfully. Alex nodded. "I'd appreciate that very much." "Well alright then!"

Alex's surroundings grew darker, almost to a point of appearing black and white. Flowey smiled again, as if this were all completely normal to him. A light gray heart appeared over the left side of Alex's chest, over his shirt and coat like a virtual projection. Alex's eyebrows furrowed, and he stared down at the heart in confusion.

"What's going on, Flowey?" Flowey simply smiled at Alex. "Relax buddy. That's your SOUL right there. It represents you and all that you are. When you engage with someone the way we are right now, it'll appear. Now, to heal your leg up, I'm gonna give you a lil' somethin' very common down here in the Underground: friendship pellets! These will heal ya right up! Just run into them. Kay? Kay!"

Little cylindrical pellets appeared from behind Flowey, and he shot them in Alex's direction. Closer they came. Alex felt a cold shiver down his spine. He felt uncomfortable. The pellets came closer. Alex got shaky. Something felt wrong. Something felt off.

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