Chapter Seventeen

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"Alex! The webs are too thick, even for me!" Papyrus exclaimed.

"Pheh. Skeletons are better for decoration, not pastry batches. You, Alex. You will do nicely." Muffet said in a low tone, her eyes looking him up and down in a manner that made Alex feel like he was enduring an uncomfortable flirt.

Alex's choices appeared before him. He looked through Act: no options. He could only Fight or Spare. Alex sighed and picked Mercy.

His eyes widened. He had another option; one he had never noticed before. He could either Fight, Spare, or Flee. His choice was clear now.

"You want my SOUL?" Alex asked.

"Yes, your delicious SOUL!" Muffet clapped eagerly.

"Come get it!" Alex shouted, choosing Flee. He turned around and made a run down the nearest hallway.

"Hey! Hey, Alex! Where're you going?? I'm still stuck!" Papyrus shouted to him.

Muffet shook her head. "Such a shame. Although, he is the first human I've seen to turn running away into a strategy. Effective. Smart. I like it! Heh! Well, Alex, if it's a chase you want, then a chase you shall have!" Muffet exclaimed, using webs to swing after Alex.

Alex huffed and groaned, pushing himself forward. "I am not an Olympic runner." He muttered under his breath, speeding down the long hallway.

"Oh, Alex. Don't work yourself too hard now. I don't want you too tough when I bake you." Muffet giggled.

Alex changed directions, slamming his shoulder into a hotel door and knocking it open. He stumbled into an average-sized hotel room. Muffet was quickly behind him, throwing spiders at him like baseballs. Alex ducked under two and swatted away the third.

Alex's options reappeared, and he chose to Fight.

Alex stepped into Muffet and pushed her towards the wall. She swatted his hands away, using all six of her hands to strike Alex. Alex jumped back to avoid her attacks, making her stumble. He slammed his forearm into her collar bones, slamming her into the wall.

Her hands scratched at his arms, chest, and face. Alex growled, throwing a reflexive elbow across her face, hitting her hard.

Alex backed out of the room. Muffet, still dazed from the blow, stumbled and fell to one knee.

"Sorry about this." Alex said, running down the hall again. Muffet rubbed her head, slowly getting to her feet.

"Despicable," She growled, walking out into the hallway. She saw him still running down to the end of the hall, and speedwalked after him.

"Alright, honey. You wanna play 'spider and fly'? Fine. Go, my spiders! After him! All of you! Say hello to my prized pet, Alex!" Muffet spat, holding her hands out with her palms facing the ceiling.

An uncountable number of spiders filled the hall, crawling after Alex. A low growl and loud thumping also came closer and closer from behind Muffet.

Alex looked back at the swarm of arachnids. "Holy crap!" He exclaimed.

He reached the staircase at the end of the hall. He hurriedly opened up the door and ran up the stairs. The spiders seeped through the door. From the above stairwells, Alex's hands became spider-swatters with ninja-like reflexes as he hurried up floor after floor. The spiders coming from above weren't stopping him.


Two flights of stairs beneath him were crushed into rubble as Muffet's prized pet crashed in: a giant spider monster with a body resembling that of a muffin. Alex took one look down at it and was stricken with true terror. The creature had boxes all over it.

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