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. . .
So that's it...
That's how you leave me?
I'm sure you feel great about yourself, right?
You must feel so good.
The power to grant a SOUL onto someone.
You must think that's such a blessing...
How dare you?
How dare you show kindness?
How dare you show Mercy?
How dare you curse me with these feelings?
. . .
Do you know what you've done to me?
Do you care like you did with everyone else?
I feel...desires that I've never felt before.
The hope of basking in sunlight.
The desire to have...
Companionship? Friendship? Love?
How could I have had the sick pleasure of seeing a SOUL with no purpose?
When I myself want one now.
What is happening to me?
How could I have been so blind?
. . .
I hope you're happy with yourself.

Alex sat up in his bed with his eyes suddenly wide open. He rubbed the back of his neck slowly. He could feel that he was in a cold sweat. His hands trembled as they fell into his lap. He slowly and stiffly got out of bed. His back felt painfully tight as he stood up and slowly walked into the kitchen.
As he entered, he smelt the scent of butterscotch pie hit him like a warm wave.
There Toriel sat in the cabin's kitchen, leaning on a table not far from the oven. He was surprised to see her up. She sat quietly with her hands resting on the table, wearing a light purple nightgown made of silk.
As Alex entered the kitchen in his baggy pajamas, Toriel's head perked up and rose. Her eyes fell on Alex and widened in surprise on seeing him. Then they narrowed in concern when she saw the condition that he was in...
The skin on his face and arms glistened with cold sweat, and his neck reflected the light of the lamp hanging over the kitchen table as he came around to sit with her.
"I'm sorry, my child. Did I wake you?" Toriel asked softly.
"No." Alex answered gutturally, shaking his head.
"Are you alright, Alex?" Toriel asked, still concerned.
"Yeah. Rough dream...woke me up." Alex answered, clearing his throat a bit.
"What was your dream about?" Toriel asked.
Alex's gaze fell as she asked this question. He clasped his hands into his lap, saying nothing. He sat still, nearly motionless. His eyes practically glazed over as he seemed to completely check out of the conversation.
"Alex?" Toriel called to him. He did not respond to her. His mind was clearly elsewhere; and whatever it was, Toriel could see that it was clearly weighing heavily on him, haunting him...
Toriel stood up from her chair, walked around to Alex and placed her hands gently down on Alex's shoulders. He flinched in response, all at once coming back into full mental focus and looking up at her.
"Welcome back, Alex." She said, rubbing his arms and kissing him gently on the cheek. Alex's eyes darted around, as though he had been woken up suddenly.
"Huh? Sorry, what?"
The oven timer went off just then, and Alex stood up, pulling himself out of Toriel's arms. She made her way around the table again to take the butterscotch pie out.
"You seem stressed. Are you sure you're okay, Alex? You're worrying me." Toriel said, placing the pie on the counter. It slipped from her mitt, causing the pan to clatter loudly against the granite countertop.
This set Alex off.
Alex grabbed onto Toriel's wrists, pushing her back against the countertop. She bumped back into it, and Alex continued to push her backwards. Toriel summoned fire from her hands shortly thereafter, trying to get Alex to step back.
There was no expression in Alex's eyes, and this scared her more than anything.
"Stop!" Toriel said firmly, finally pushing Alex away from her.
Alex stumbled back against the table, hitting his side against it. He began to tremble again, freezing up and then shaking his head as if he had been in a trance. Jasmine came out of the bedroom, hearing the commotion. She stepped out just in time to see Alex rush out the front door of the cabin.
"Alex!" Toriel raised her voice, following him out. Jasmine came out just behind her.
They found him on the front porch, planted in a rocking chair. He sat with his back hunched forward and his elbows on his knees, wringing his hands together. He had his head down towards the ground. Jasmine walked over to him, kneeling down in front of him.
"Alex?" She asked softly. He didn't answer her either. It was like he wasn't even paying attention. She shook him gently, and he flinched again.
"What? What?" He asked, looking at her.
Jasmine looked him dead in the eyes...
"Get your jacket, babe. We're going to the hospital." She instructed him gently.
"Y-Yeah," Alex said, getting up. He passed by Toriel, then turned back around to face her. "Sorry..." He said lowly, pausing awkwardly before going back inside.
"What happened?" Jasmine asked Toriel, hugging her arms. Toriel shook her head a bit.
"I'm...not sure. He woke up very sweaty, something was clearly on his mind. He attacked me." Toriel summarized.
"He attacked you?" Jasmine asked in shock. Toriel nodded her head solemnly, "Something is very wrong." Jasmine muttered to herself.
Alex walked back out onto the porch with a black winter jacket on now. He kept his hands buried in his coat pockets. He looked exhausted now, and simply drained. Both Toriel and Jasmine could see it.
Jasmine hugged him tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck comfortingly. Toriel gave him a hug as well. It seemed to be the only way they could convey their support as well as their concern. Alex stood still, leaning against them but not returning the embrace.
"Come on, love. Let's go." Jasmine said, hooking her arm with his and walking him to the car...

Coming Soon
Undertale 3: Redemption

Undertale 2: ForgivenWhere stories live. Discover now