Chapter Ten

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"Hey, Alphys?"

"Uh...yeah, Alex?"

"I don't see how this factors into your whole 'robot killing' thing."

Alex and Alphys stared at Mettaton. He'd upgraded, or rather, transformed from being a Gameboy on a unicycle to having a full body with a head and two feet, all of which looked metallic.

Alex and Mettaton made eye contact. Mettaton squinted, his eyes just black circles.

"You know, THAT was incredibly rude. I was waiting for the opportune time to surprise the world with my new body, but now you've gone and ruined it. No biggie though, darling. It creates more dramatic effect, doesn't it?"

Mettaton turned to the flabbergasted audience and posed dramatically. The audience erupted into applause. Alphys passed Alex the ray gun and stepped off the arena.

"He's all yours."

Mettaton turned to Alex, who had stuffed the ray gun in his back pocket. He smirked at Alex.

"You know, I'm starting to like you, darling. Can't say what it is, but I'm almost buying into the drama you got. Sorry, but I still won't buy into it like everyone else. I lost too much last time time to just believe you. Shame on me."

Mettaton widened his stance into a judo pose. Alex got into a boxing stance, raising his fists.

"The girl. The one you're SO Determined to get back to. What's her name?" Mettaton asked.


"Lovely. Tell me, after all you've gone through, and the beating you're facing now, is she worth all that? All this?"

Alex inhaled and exhaled, "I'd die for her." Alex admitted.

Mettaton's self-righteous smirk faltered into almost a full frown. He shook it off.

"Careful what you wish for, Alex."

Alex's options appeared before him. He chose Fight. The battle began, and dramatic music started up on cue.

Alex started off throwing a left jab, which Mettaton dodged with an intentionally stylish lean, followed by a sweep kick.

Alex jumped high and kicked Mettaton in the chest with both feet. They both fell onto their backs. Alex kicked up onto his feet. Mettaton spun on his shoulders and slid up from his knees to his feet.

The audience was chanting for Mettaton.

Mettaton leaned back, posing dramatically for the audience. Alex twisted his open hands and shook his head with a disapproving expression.

"Really?" Alex huffed.

Mettaton sneered with a small hum of distaste. The audience booed Alex intensely. Mettaton's lips tugged into a confident smirk.

It was then that Alex realized that winning this fight would mean getting the audience on his side.

Mettaton took his turn, spinning in the air and chucking a bomb at Alex. Alex ran towards Mettaton to avoid the blast. Mettaton threw another kick. Alex slid on his knees and leaned back to dodge it.

Once clear, Alex hoped to his feet and side-kicked Mettaton in the back. The bomb exploded in front of Mettaton, knocking him down. He quickly got up to his feet.

Mettaton turned, growling. Alex wiped the bridge of his nose with his thumb, sporting a confident sneer. The audience began to clap in rhythm.

"You dance, Metta?"

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