Chapter Two

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Alex stepped away from the door, and his shoes crunched on freshly packed snow. On the other side of the door was a snowy forest and a just barely visible trail leading away from it. Alex could see lightly pressed flat footprints leading away from the door. The snow was falling lightly. Although their was no sun, natural light beamed down everywhere. It wasn't as cold as it looked, so Alex simply put his hoodie on and started down the trail, hands in his coat pockets...


Fight. Act. Item. Mercy.

These were the options that appeared in front of Alex as his surroundings darkened, and his SOUL appeared on his chest. Just a little bit down the path, a creature was blocking the way forward. It looked like a snowflake with the face of a bird. A box with text appeared above its head that read:

*Snowdrake is preparing an ice pun...

Alex looked through his options. Item: had only Butterscotch pie in it. He didn't want to choose Fight. Act: he was give the options 'Heckle' and 'Joke'. Alex read Snowdrake's box again. To Alex, it felt as if these interactions that he was taking part of with Flowey and now Snowdrake functioned like that of a video game. Alex chose Joke.

"Alright buddy, let's snow." Alex said, shaking his arms as if about to fight. Snowdrake chuckled, but proceeded to fire snowflakes composed of frozen solid ice at Alex. He didn't hesitate to jump out of the way. "There's snow way you can defeat me." Snowdrake said in a low voice. Alex chuckled. "Wow, that's snow bad." Alex laughed.

His four options appeared before him again. Alex took a look at Mercy this time: he could either choose 'Flee' or 'Spare'. Spare was in yellow text. None of Alex's other options were yellow before. Alex chose it. His surroundings normalized, his SOUL disappeared, and Snowdrake went on his way. "He laughed. He actually laughed. Take that, Dad!"

Alex shrugged. "I guess that's over then."

Alex took a step forward to continue, and felt something jingle in his coat pocket. He reached into it, and pulled out four gold coins. Alex hummed in confusion. He hadn't had those before. He pocketed the coins again, shrugged, and kept walking...


Alex reached a point in the trail where their was nothing but a big, long line of trees on either side.Alex continued on, his hands still in his pockets. He tried to use his iPhone again, but still no service. That was why Toriel had given him her phone. "Guess there's no coverage for the center of the Earth." Alex muttered to himself.

*shuffle shuffle*

Alex spun around quickly. He'd heard a noise behind him, but there was nothing there, other than the snow and trees that he had already passed by. Alex shrugged and continued on, stepping over a fallen branch in the trail. Alex stretched out his shoulders, and yawned a bit.


Alex turned again. He blinked a few times; a shadow had flickered in his eye. Alex looked down at the branch he'd stepped over. It was broken in the center. Alex swallowed uneasily. "Whose there? Is someone there?" Alex called out. His voice echoed across the frozen forest, but no answer came. Alex turned again, and walked into a clearing.

To his right: a line of evergreen trees. To his left: a shack made of wood and a child-sized lamp. Up ahead: someone was coming down the trail, towards him.

Alex panicked, and ran to the shack before he could be seen by the approaching figure. Alex jumped over the front counter of the shack, hiding behind the other side.

"Sans! Sans, where are you? Stop hiding, Sans! You need to recalibrate your puzzles! Ugh, of course. He's probably out on another 'break'. I swear. he gets lazier and lazier every single day."

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