Chapter Six

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Alex and the child reached a point in the Marshlands where it stopped raining. Alex disposed of his umbrella in an empty bucket.

Now they stood at a fork in the path; two diverting roads that went opposite ways. One way went left and upwards, towards the homes of Undyne and Napstablook. The other path went right and downwards, down a darker path.

"Woah man. Two paths. We should split up." The monster kid suggested. Alex nodded in agreement. "Right. You look for Undyne that way, and I'll go this way." Alex said, pointing left than right, respectively. The kid nodded.

"I'll yell if I spot her." He said, running up the left path and tripping one more before getting up again and disappearing.

Alex started down the lower, darker path.

As Alex became enveloped in darkness, all other sounds faded away, being drowned by the sounds of rushing water. Alex used the flashlight in his phone to see ahead of him. He found that he was walking on metal grates, and the rushing water was below them.

Alex was glad that he hadn't sent the kid down this path.

He walked out into a clearing, where more natural light shown down and illuminated his path.

Little did he know the mistake he had just made.

"Stop!" A gruff female voice echoed through the cavern. Alex turned towards the source of the voice.

To his left, up on a path higher up than his, there stood Undyne in her full body armor. She removed her helmet, revealing her humanoid fish-like features, tied back red hair, and eyepatch.

"Undyne!" Alex exclaimed, lacking anything else to say. "Ah, good! You already know my name! That means we can skip the introductions and get right to me taking your SOUL!" Undyne bellowed, holding up a glowing blue spear. It was a lighter shade of blue than the other blue weapons that Alex had encountered. He doubted not moving would work here.

"Actually, I haven't introduced myself yet." Alex pointed out before turning and making a run down the metal grate path.

"It doesn't matter! Soon you'll be dead!" Undyne cackled haughtily. She threw her spear at him with a loud grunt. Alex turned quickly, cursing as he ducked down to avoid a spear in his neck. It flew over him and got stuck in the grate. Alex picked up his pace.

Undyne, apparently possessing some kind of unique SOUL power of her own, summoned more spears and fired them Alex's way. Alex jumped forward to avoid one, sidestepped another, stopped and jumped around yet another, and sidestepped once more before jumping into another cave opening.

"You're fast, human! Almost a challenge! Keheheh!" "Maybe we could talk this out?" Alex suggested as a dry joke. "Heh! You're funny, human. Shame your humor won't be missed down here!" Undyne said.

A series of spears shot into the cave, landing in the grates in a line at Alex's feet.

"You'll be seeing me again human." Undyne warned.

The grates began to shudder beneath Alex, and down it fell underneath him. Alex flailed his arms, falling into a it of darkness. Undyne's cackling was slowly drowned out by the sounds of the waterfall...


Alex slowly lifted his head, groaning lowly. He felt like he'd just woken up from a dull, numbing sleep. The top half of his body laid on a metal grate, and his lower half dangled at the base of the waterfall. His head felt painfully light. He was surrounded by garbage.

Alex turned onto his back and looked up, but he couldn't see from how high he had fallen.

Alex got to his feet slowly. His arms and legs hurt, so he stretched them out. His head still hurt like crazy. He felt the back of his head. When he pulled his hand back and looked down at his palm, there was blood all over his hand.

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