Chapter Twelve

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"I love what you've done with the dining table, Undyne. The spear is a really nice touch." Papyrus complimented as everyone too a seat at her table; all except Temmie, who was sitting in Jasmine's lap, who was sitting sideways in Alex's lap with an arm around his neck.

"Thanks Papy." Undyne said, sitting by him.

"This is fantastic. We're all here." Alex said, smiling up at Jasmine, then petting Temmie.

"This is indeed a happy occasion! I hope Sans can join us soon." Papyrus said.

"He should be around soon, right?" Jasmine asked. Papyrus nodded.

"Oh goody. I've been meaning to have a little word with your brother." Undyne said.

Alex chuckled, "He's screwed." He whispered Jasmine before turning to Papyrus,

"Papyrus, buddy! It's been awhile since we've talked. How've you been?"

"Great. I saw you on TV yesterday. Impeccable work with Mettaton." Papyrus complimented.

"Ahh, you're too kind. Thank you. How's Sans?" Alex asked.

"Doing well as well. I think he's missing you too. You've changed things around Snowdin. People are talking about you more. And Sans has started wearing black shirts."

"Wow. What a change." Jasmine said dryly.

"It is for him." Undyne said with a hit of a chuckle.

Knock knock knock.

"Temmie will answer!"

Temmie hopped off of Jasmine's lap and scurried to the door. She hopped and scratched at it, uttering small grunts of effort in her attempt to reach the doorknob.

She turned back to the others, "Temmie need helps!"

"Awww I got you." Jasmine cooed, getting up and opening the door.

Sans entered, wearing a black turtleneck and pants in addition to his trademark hoodie.

"Brother! Finally, you join us! What kept you?" Papyrus asked.

"Sorry. Snow falls a little hard. Got snowed in Snowdin. Snowed me down." Sans chuckled, hanging up his hoodie.

He knelt down and picked up Temmie.


"Hoi! I'm Temmie!" She said, curling up in his arms.

"Nice ta meet ya. Name's Sans." He said, shutting the door.

"Sorry I'm late everyone. Lost track of tem." Sans punned, inducing a groan from those at the table and a giggle from both Jasmine and Temmie. Everyone sat.

"So, Sans, the other day when I was hunting the human, I saw you asleep at your post. Care to explain that?" Undyne raised her eyebrow at Sans.

Sans awkwardly chuckled, then got up, "Well folks, it's been fun, but I best be getting back." Sans joked, pretending to leave.

Alex laughed, "Let him be for now, Undyne. We're all on break now." Alex said.

"Yeah, listen to Alex." Sans chuckled as he sat back down.

"Alex...?" Undyne paused, slowly turning to look at Alex, "Is...that your name...?" She asked him slowly.

Everyone paused.

"Oh! I guess I never really did get the chance to tell you my name, huh?" Alex realized.

"Yeah..." Undyne's eye fell to the ground.

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