Chapter Eight

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Alex stood at a large metal door leading into a large metal laboratory; he still was in the Hotlands. The big structure stood just a little ways down from where the water cooler had been placed.

Alex knocked on the door, and it opened with a WHISH!

Alex walked into an open tile room. Ahead was a wooden table, with an escalator at the end of the room. To his left was a desk with a large computer screen. On the screen was Alex being shown from a higher angle. Another desk stood next to that one, and on it stood tall stacks of VHS tapes.

The chair in front of the computer swiveled around, revealing another lizard-looking monster with a lab coat and prescription glasses.

"Hello." She greeted with a smile and an awkward wave. Alex stared at her with an odd expression, waving back slowly.

"Oh! Sorry, let me get this thing." She said, turning around in her chair and shutting the computer screen off. She turned back to Alex and stood up from her chair.

"So, uh... You must be tired from all that walking th-that you did, heheh. Why don't you have a seat...?" She offered, gesturing to the wooden table. A glass of water and a sandwich were set in front of one of the chairs.

Alex sat at the table. "Oh, the food is for you, in case you case you were wondering. It's, uh, only cheese." She said. Alex began to eat. She sat across the table.

She awkwardly tapped her fingers on the table, and silence quickly filled the room. She chuckled awkwardly.

", I'm Dr. Alphys. You can just call me Alphys, if you like." She introduced herself.

Alex swallowed his food. "Pleasure. I'm-"

"Alex. The human. I know..." Alphys said with a nod.

Alex took a sip of his water.

"Oh, and nice to meet you too." Alphys quickly added.

More silence...

"How exactly did you hear about me?" Alex suddenly asked.


"My name and that I came a long way to get here. Who told you that?" Alex leaned forward in his chair.

Alphys chuckled nervously. "Well, you see, uh, heheh, nobody really necessarily told me. I, uh...watched you on the computer..." She finally admitted.

"You watched me on the computer?" Alex slowly repeated in the form of a question, raising his eyebrow.

Alphys nodded and walked to the screen, turning it on again. It showed Alex at the table.

"Why?" Alex demanded.

"Well, you see, I'm King Asgore's Royal Scientist. I study whatever it is he needs me to study, and the most recent case My cameras picked up your arrival in the Ruins, and I sent word to Asgore. He ordered me to watch you and track you..."

"But...?" Alex asked, going to the computer.

Alphys pressed a few keys on the keyboard, and 4 split-screens appeared:

The first screen on the top-left showed Alex with Toriel at her dining room table.

The second screen at the top-right showed Alex and Papyrus talking the night he had told Alex about his dream.

The third screen at the bottom-left showed Alex fighting the dog with the blue swords.

The fourth and final screen at the bottom-right showed Alex using the water cooler to save Undyne from dying of heat exhaustion.

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