Chapter Nine

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Sans and Papyrus gasped.

Jasmine looked back and forth between the two of them, "What? What is it??"

"Alex was working to get back to you since he got here! If he's still going and you're here... Oh god. The Underground's never had two human SOUL timelines before..." Sans began to pace.

"Alex! Is he alive?" Jasmine asked them.

"Yes! He is!" Papyrus answered quickly.

"I... I was just told he died." Jasmine admitted, confused.

"No, he's alive! I'll show you!" Papyrus exclaimed, pulling her to the couch in front of the TV.

"Sans bought this at a pawn shop yesterday. I said it was a waste of money." Papyrus explained on a quick side note.

"It was a cheap deal." Sans defended.

"Look!" Papyrus said, pointing forward at the TV.

Jasmine looked forward and gasped loudly, "My baby!" She squealed.

"Welcome back, folks! We're here with Alex the human, ready for our first game!" Mettaton announced.

Mettaton gestured to Alex, who stood at a podium with a microphone, a buzzer, and his name written on the podium. Alex awkwardly waved at the TV.

As Mettaton explained the rules of the quiz show, Sans and Papyrus and Jasmine all exchanged glances.

"What's Alex doing on TV?" Jasmine asked.

"He must've made it to the Hotlands if he's that far already." Sans said.

"Is there anything we can do?" Papyrus asked.

"Yeah. We watch." Sans answered.

Mettaton turned to Alex, holding a stack of question cards, "Now, are you ready, Alex?"

"Is it too late to use the bathroom?"

"Haha! Isn't he funny? Let's begin! Question 1: What is the official ceremonial color of the Royal Guard?"

Alex shook his head. He thought about Papyrus and his scarf.

"Umm... Ooh! Red!"

"Correct! Question 2: What does the color red represent in the Royal Guard?"

"Um...oh, I don't know... Strength?" Alex guessed.

Alex yelped in pain as electricity ran up his arms from the podium, "Tsk tsk. Sorry darling, the correct answer was courage."

"I knew that!" Papyrus yelled at the TV.

Jasmine watched with worry, looking at how sunken Alex's eyes suddenly looked, "That thing's gonna kill him if it keeps doing that."

"I think that's what Mettaton's hoping for." Sans observed.

"Question 3: Who is the head of the Royal Guard?"

"Undyne!" Alex answered quickly.

"Correct darling! Question 4: What instrument does Undyne secretly practice playing?"

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