Chapter 20

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The early morning sun began to rise over Mount Ebott. Its warm light peeked over the horizon, and streaks of colored light stretched across the morning twilight sky. It was the beautiful sight that Alex and Jasmine had retreated here to behold in the first place.

Now, they had new friends, as well as entire race, to share its radiant beauty with.

"Hey Sans, what's that great big ball of fire in the sky?" Papyrus asked.

"We call that the sun, bro." Sans answered.

"Wowie! I can't believe I'm meeting the sun!"

"This is incredible! Humans get to see this everyday?" Undyne asked.

"Yeah! The number of mediocre pictures of it on social media are astronomical!" Alphys exclaimed, scrolling through her phone.

Asgore and Toriel stood on either side of Asriel, their hands on his shoulders. Asgore gestured to Toriel. The two stepped aside for a moment, leaving Asriel so that they could talk in private.

"What is it, Asgore?" Toriel asked, folding her arms. Asgore coughed awkwardly.



"Listen, Toriel. I know you dislike me, and you have the right to. But we have our son back; he shouldn't have to feel torn between two bickering parents. So, how about a compromise? For Asriel's sake, can we at least put our differences aside?" Asgore proposed humbly.

Toriel exhaled, shutting her eyes. She tapped her pointer finger against her upper left arm. "I suppose that's fair. On one condition."

"Name it."

"We share custody of him. He needs both his Mom and Dad as he continues to grow older." Toriel stipulated.

"Deal." Asgore nodded quickly.

The two shook hands.

Alphys glanced back at Asgore and Toriel before walking around to Undyne.

" that we're all free, what're you gonna do now?" Alphys asked Undyne. Undyne shrugged.

"Who knows? What do you wanna do?"

"Well... I just wanna catch up on anime, honestly." Alphys chuckled awkwardly.

"That doesn't sound too bad." Undyne said with a smile.

Papyrus stepped in. "Hey, Undyne! So are we still gonna train together? So I can become a member of the Royal Guard?" He asked.

"Actually..." Before Undyne could answer, Asgore walked over.

"Now that we're all free, there may not be any need for a Royal Guard anymore." Asgore said.

"What?!?! That's a stupid decision!" Papyrus shouted. Asgore raised an eyebrow.

"Nyeheheh, your highness." Papyrus tried to fix his statement.

"Alex. Jasmine," Asgore called them over. He placed a hand on both of their shoulders. "Now that monsters are returning to the surface, I have no doubt that the human race will have some strong reactions.

"Would you two be willing to serve as our ambassadors, to help us deliver a message of peace?" Asgore politely entreated them. Alex and Jasmine looked at each other, surprise present on both of their expressions.

"What do you think?" Alex asked her.

"I think it'd help them a lot." She said. Alex nodded, then turned to Asgore.

"What's the pay?" He joked. She slapped his arm. Asgore chuckled.

"I'm sure we can negotiate some terms." Asgore smiled.

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