Chp. 16 - The Mighty Have Fallen

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Not sure how you guys are going to like this chapter :o 
You could possibly hate me, but hopefully that is not the case. 



Around me were dead bodies, scattered across the floor, some dismembered others had their heads twisted and knife wounds. The night was over, Alpha Knight stood surrounded by the bodies, shock and disbelief all over his face, Luna Knight stood beside him her eyes firmly planted on Holden who removed a silver knife from his thigh, I could feel his pain just like he had felt mine when the silver blade went into my shoulder. But I knew he was fine my problem was the panic that arose when I realised my sister was no where to be found. 

Panic rose inside of me as I searched around for her, checking the dead and the living, asking other wolves if they had seen her but nobody had. 

"Where's Amber?" I shouted to no one in particular but the hall grew quiet and everybody stared at me, Holden was by my side in an instant, his wound nearly healed. Then Cole came into my line of sight and Amber wasn't with him either and I had no control with what happened next. I charged at him, letting Her take complete control of my human body but before I could reach him, Holden had wrapped his arms around my chest, 

"Where is she? You were supposed to be protecting her? You're her mate, I trusted you with her" I screamed at him and he looked angry and upset, yearning for Amber but I was too enraged to even calm down. Mum and dad ran into the hall when they heard my outburst and when they realised it was because Amber was gone they started searching around, checking everyone. 

"I took my eyes off her for a second to take down a hunter and...I'm so sorry, Lily" those words did it, I sprung out of Holden's arms and into my wolf. Stalking towards Cole as he tries to back away, he knows he can take me in wolf form, that is why he doesn't turn, he doesn't want to hurt me but I want to hurt him. 

Everything is running through my mind at once, wanting to hurt him, to find my sister, mourning for Lianna, the crying of children and the gasps of those who are dying or injured. 

"Lily, Stop!" I heard the sound of my Alpha and She knew she had to obey, I haulted, my eyes full of murder and pointed at Cole. "Change Immediately" and I did what he told me to. Soon was crouched naked infront of a room of werewolves but I didn't care, Holden quickly took off his dress shirt and drapped it over me, it was long enough to reach past my bumb so I stood and faced my Alpha. 

"We have no idea where your sister is, that is no reason to take it out on Cole, we don't know if the Hunters got to her" I wanted to yell back at him, to disrespect him but I didn't want another Vulnus. 

"It doesn't make any sense" I turned to Holden who looked deep in thought, "They said they were going to kill Amber, why didn't they just do it? Why take her?" I searched my mind for an answer but came up blank. But something else caught our attention, a commotion that soon found its way into the hall. Kyle, blood covering his clothes had hold of a man dressed in black, probably mid-twenties, a hunter. 

"I found him trying to escape, he was planting a silver bomb in Holden's room" I looked at Holden but he stood emotionless, his hands clenched into fists as he eyed the Hunter. 

"Take him to the cellars, we'll get the truth out of him" Alpha Knight ordered, two wolves stepped forward and grabbed the hunter, 

"You're wasting your time, by tthe time you find her, it'll be too late" were the last words the Hunter said before he took a werewolf strength fist to the side of the head, executed by me. 


It was morning, the sun was just rising and we were all gathered in the forest on a small hill that held the cemetery for our fallen wolves. Many had fallen last night, twenty of them were to be buried today, Lianna was one of them.

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