my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!! *chapter 8*

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**6 votes next chapter and trust me its worth gonna warn u its sad :( so please vote****

Camerons POV:

I only went to this stupid ass party for Kandance, where is she? One of my friends came running up to me looking scared.

"whats wrong dude?"

"Kandance, Jackie hit her in the back of the head with Tyler's moms big rock sculture."

"What?!! Where is she?!!"

"come on dude, shes out by the pool."

We pushed our way out to the pool and Kandance was laying there bleeding. I ran up to her and put her in my arms. Traci ran over.

"did you car the paremidics?"


"oh my god, I really hope shes ok."

"me too."

The parmedics came, they put her in the ambalance and came back to get her info from Traci and I.

"whats her name?"

"Kandance Riley Scott."

"date of birth?"

"April 15, 1992."

"was she drinking."

"no she cant."

I looked at Traci and she put her hand over her mouth.

"can I go?"

"who are you, and you?"

"im her best friend and hes her boyfriend."

"you can come to the hospital, follow us."


"one more question, is there anything else we should know, allergies?"

Traci looked bug eyes and looked worried. Then she spoke.

"don't give her anything that could harm an unborn child."

"are you telling me ms. Scott is pregnant?"

"yes, about a month and a few days along."

"okay, thank you."

I stood there, shes pregnant! With my child and I didn't know! Traci looked at me with eyes saying I'm sorry but how could she not tell me, let alone because this stupid bitch Jackie I was going to lose the love of my life and my unborn child.

"Cam, im sorry. She didn't want to tell you yet, she didn't even know if she was going to keep it."

"so your saying she wanted to kill my child?"

"no, she doesn't believe in abortions, she was thinking adoption. She thought since you wont even say the daughter you have now is yours, why bother to tell you that she's pregnant?"

"Traci, I had a right to know, I love her. Its been killing me everyday not being with her, all I ever wanted to do was touch her."

"well the way you played those girls I cant blame her, you don't know what you've done to her. I had to hold her while she cried over you so many times, not to mention the endless nights she'd call me balling her eyes out."

"I did that to make her jealous, I thought it'd bring her back to me."

"no it pushed her away."

"come on Traci, please let me go with you to see her, I have to make sure shes okay, and my baby."

"fine, if you say one wrong thing ill tell then to make you leave."

"thank you!"

I gave her a hug as we got in and left. We drove to the hospital and the nurse told us she was on the 3rd floor, icu. We ran up there and they asked who we was. I thought quick

"im her husband, and this is her sister."

"okay well right now their stitching her head back up, shes knocked out still so it'll be a while before you can see her."

"shes pregnant, the baby, is it okay?"

"mr. scott, you can come in when they check the status of the fetus."

She walked away and Traci and I went to sit down.

"why did you say you were her husband?"

"they wont tell you anything enless your family, and if I say im her husband they wont make me leave her."

"smart thinking."

We waited and an hour later the doctor came out.

"scott family?"

"yes, how is she?"

"shes in a coma, the fetus has a 50/50 chance depending on how she pulls out. Were going to do a sonogram and make sure the fetus is breathing and all, would you like to be in the room?"

Traci and I both said, "yes!," in unison.

We walked back to her room and the minute I walked in the door I started crying. She had a white cloth around her head and she looked so hurt. I wanted to make her pain go away.

The doctor turned the machine on and prepared to do the sonogram. I held Kandances hand as I sat next to her staring at the screen. He spread the blue jelly on her stomach and then took the white thing around her stomach. He looked at the screen and so did we, I wish she was awake to see the baby, our baby. I have no idea what to look for, or even how it would look. The doctor looked puzzled and keep said umm hum. Shit, I really hope that slut didn't hurt my child.



"is everything okay?"

"well son, how do I say this...."

Please let the baby be okay...that's all I hope for.

**6 votes to find out...what do you think? is the baby okay?? will she pull threw?? go vote NOW to find out lol**

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