my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!! *chapter 20*

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*******oh my gosh i love u guys so much and ill be happy if i get 4 votes on here or 9 like b4 :) trust me im getting to the good part and for those who are wondering who her baby daddy really is, hum well you wont find out until the twins are born. sorry but that will probly be in the next 2 or 3 chapters...i know im killing you guys...ok shout out time lol i gotta say hi to my great fans who stay so loyal to me and i added the top 2 in my story so i hope u know its u i had to try and figure out ur names lol....

**jpearly-welcome and thanks 4 being a fan**

**bri-jess-your such a loyal fan and i know we all hate Hanna and hope she dies..humm got any ideas on how to kill her?**

**t1ff4ny-ur amazing and really u make my ur defiantly in my story as soon as i find that special place 4 u :)**

**jessiee- u get the special part in my story ur comments mane me smile :D-so hoe u like ur part thats in this chapter :)**

**aprilbrookeshire-u get the role as April..once u read ull see who she is, hope u like ur part too :)**

ok my lovely fans...the more u comment and show me love ill shout out to u :) but i love u guys really...amazing ok im done rambling on heres the story now****************

Kandance POV:

I grabbed my phone and called the number on the email.


"hi im looking for Elana?"

"shes not here right now, im her daughter April.(a fan of mine aprilbrookshire)how can I help you?"

"I got an email about her granddaughter Jade."

"oh my god! Really, have you seen her?"

"are you the dads sister?"

"yes, weve been looking for her, but no luck. We was told Amanda took her."


"yeah, my brother was having an affair with a psyco names Amanda. She lost it one when he told her he hated her and loved Jessie(another fan-Jessiee). She went all crazy on them the day they came home with Jade. You might as well say she slaughtered them. We looked for her but never had any luck at all. Do you have any information?"

"yes, I think she changed her name or lied to you about her name, the girl I know is named Hanna. She claims Jade is my fieonces child but even he don't believe it. She calls her Jayme, and she has my son too."

"oh my god, where are you? Can we come get her? how big is she now? I mean im so sorry to ramble on but god I miss her so much."

"im in Seattle. Im at the holiday inn. Im sure I can get her for you, but what im worried about is shes gone crazy over my babys father. Shes gotten big, yes and if you want to come here im sure I can arrange something."

"really?! Were on our way, im walking out the door now, thanks so much, oh god I didn't even get your name did i? and try to get him away from her but if its too late let him play her game otherwise you'd lose him too."

"ok thanks, im Kandance by the way and im in room 219 at 1847 Blair Rd. ill see you soon."

"im about an hour away so yes ill see you soon Kandance."

I hung up and began thinking how they hell am I going to get all three of them away from that crazy bitch. My son is there and she could kill him, even worse the love of my life. I wanted to call the cops but im sure she'd run and getting Jayme and Riley would be a lost cause. Cam will get them, I know he will. I just hope she doesn't hurt him, I don't know what I would do if he died.

my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now