my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!! *chapter 23*

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**im sorry i had to make dinner, do laundry, give the kiddies a bath all while i wrote this lol...i was so lost and stuck but i think this is good and there mite be another chapter tonight :)..ohg i had to ask hubby for hlep but seeing as he never read my story he was confused when i tried to give him the short story lol :D but here it is but i have to do my shout outs and i want to be on page 11 again people im on 13 so not fair and also ADD ME i see ppl comment that they love it but they dont add me lol SHOUT OUTSSSSS>>>>>>>>>>>>

***aprilbrookshire-ur in here again, special part too :) thanks 4 helping***

***t1ff4any-u get a very very special part lol ull see hope u like***

***froggyeyes96-welcome and thanks 4 being a fan***

***jessiee- thanks 4 the comments keep em coming lol***

***jpearly- glad ur a fan and happy u like my story***

***bri-jess- so sorry to disappoint you lol ull still like it***

***ariadnerose-thanks so much for reading hope u become a fan***

***freeky69-its about time u add me lol glad u like it :)***

***LAG1995-u been a fan since single with a hot neighbor im glad u like this story and thanks for the comment***

ok i think thats all lol so comment and ill give u a shout out and vote 4 votes next chapter okay :) i love u guys and thanks****************************

Kandance POV:

It's been 3 years and I still haven't seen Cameron, I gave up. He was the father of Cameron Alexander Cruz JR and Caden was the father of Tiffany Nicole Cruz. Caden and I got married since I thought I loved him. I graduated and I'm working at a law firm. I plan on being a lawyer but right now I'm sitting next to the top lawyer taking notes. That's how we all start off. My kids all call Caden daddy even though he isn't 2 of their fathers. Do I love Caden? I don't know. I missed Cameron every now and then since I was pretty much sharing my life with his twin. I came home from work one day and found Caden with another girl. His reply was, "shit happens." I think after that day I slowly started hating him. 2 months later he hit me. I mean it wasn't hard but he hit me simply because I didn't come when he called my name. I was making dinner and I can't leave the shit to burn to see what he wants. The beatings got worse and I was scared or my children and myself. We didn't sleep in the same bed together anymore. I slept in a room with Tiffany. He had the master bedroom, while he was bringing different girls in to fuck all hours of the night. He would tell me he loves me and he doesn't know why he does it. It didn't matter to me I hated him. I wanted out; I didn't want to be with him. September 4th the day my life changed. 3 and half years after my twins were born. I went to work like I always did but Caden started arguing with me for some dumb reason and I was late taking the kids to the sitter and Riley to school. I practically ran into the office.

"Mrs. Cruz, Aprils looking for you."

"Thanks Bre, where is she?"

"In her office with a client, she said to send you in once you get here; I think this might be your break."

"Really? Oh god I hope so."

"Go girl, don't make her madder."

I walked down the hall and knocked on my boss's door.

"Who is it?"

"Hi, April, sorry I'm late."

"Get your butt in here; I want you to meet your new client."

Client! Oh god yes, this is my big break!!! I opened the door and walked in with my head down. I didn't see the man since his back was to me.

"Hi, I'm Kandance Cruz."

He turned around and I swear I felt as if I was going to faint. What the fuck.......

Camerons POV (I know yall missed him):

All I could do is think about Kandi and my kids. I wasn't there when she had them, hell I haven't even seen them. I couldn't stand Hanna but I did what she said. A year after we left she told me she was pregnant. I wasn't having a kid with her. I rather die. So I told her to kill me but she wouldn't. So I shot her and blew her brains all over the wall in the apartment we stayed in. did I feel bad about killing her? Hell no, she made the past year of my life hell. I wasn't sure if I had two sons or two daughters or a daughter and a son. I wasn't even sure if they lived. Hell I wasn't sure of a lot of things but I wanted to go back to her and hold her again. Was the baby's even mine? Does she have another man? There's just so much I want to know. The police came that night and arrested me. Murder is what they said. I ended up getting out as a self offence but I needed a lawyer now. I went to one that someone in jail recommended. But I was stuck in jail for a year and a half until they let me out. I went to Kandi's house but it was sold to another family. My mom even moved. I found Kandi's old best friend Traci but she hasn't seen her since she took off with me. God it's as if she vanished off the earth. I had to find my mom and Caden maybe they know or something. She's got Jayme so she has to of told my family. I went to the lawyer's office first thing the next day.

"Hi, I'm April Walker how can I help you?"

"Um, I need a lawyer and a friend told me about you. I was in jail for a year and a half on murder until I proved it was self defense but I don't think it's going to fall over in court like that."

Hell I murdered her but in a way it was self defense seeing as she was holding me against my will.

"Okay, come in my office and tell me all about it. I'll take all this down and I have a perfect lawyer for you. She's been here a few months but she's good and I think she'll do great on your case. We'll talk as we wait for her; she seems to be running late."

"Okay sure."

"What's your name?"


"Cameron do you have a last name?"


"That's weird; the lawyer I want you to meet is Mrs. Cruz."

"Wow, small world huh?"


Did Caden get married or did I have a cousin or something I didn't know about? I want to really meet this Mrs. Cruz. We talked and I told her about everything. I didn't call Kandi by her name; I just referred to her as Kan or Kandi I refused to give out her real name. About 20 minutes into us talking I heard someone knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

"Hi, April, sorry I'm late."

"Get your butt in here; I want you to meet your new client."

She walked in and her voice alone sent goose bumps all over me, there was something about her voice. I still had my back turned when she walked in.

"Hi, I'm Kandance Cruz."

Wait!! Kandance??? It can't be her, how could it be how could she have my last name?? I turned around and came face to face with the woman who still had my heart as if it was on a platter with her name on it.

****HES BACKKKKK LOL....ok so Cam and Kan again or NO????

my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now