my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!! *chapter 15*

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**i love u my fans and thank u 4 being so cool!!! since u guys doubled the vote limit im making this one LONG and i want 6 votes for the next chapter, ill be worth it Riley might be in it, depends on how fast u guys vote....the song i chose for this chapter tells it all, its sad so sorry if u cry, i kno i did....please vote and comment!!!!!***********oh and sorry i put the wrong link for the song at first but i fixed it now so listen to it***********

Kandance POV

Oh god why did he bring him up, that was more than 3 years ago. I really didn't want to hear that name, all I felt like doing was crying. He walked away and I ran up to my room crying. I tried so hard to forget about him, but he was always there, in my heart. I really had no reason to be mad at Cam when he first told me about Jayme since I was hiding a bigger secret. I picked up my phone and texted Cam.

'r u buzy?'

'nah, u k?'

'not really, I need to talk 2 u'

'k call me then'

'no in person'

'its bad right'


'r u leaving me again'


'then whats so bad, I already kno about u n Caden'

'something else'

'kan ur being crazy just tell me'

'come get me n I will, I cant b here rite now im too upset'

'ok im on my way, want to come here'

'no a place we can talk'

'k where'

'doesn't matter, just hurry'

I sat my phone down and put some warm clothes on and my shoes. I pulled the shoe box full of my memories out the top of my closet. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"are you going out?"

"yeah, I'm going to tell him."

"what's in the box?"

"things that belonged to Riley."

"okay, well I hope everything works out for you."

"me too."



I gave him a hug and ran out to Cams car. I got in and he grabbed my hand.

"can we just drive somewhere and get this over with?"

"baby, what's wrong, you look upset. Your dad didn't give you that hard of a time over me did he?"

"no, this has to do with me and you if you plan on being a part of my life afterwards."

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

He drove until I told him to stop, which was at a playground. I haven't been to this playground in 3 years and it hurt to be here but its time I came face to face with reality. We got out and I walked to the picnic table and sat on top of it and Cam sat next to me. I sighed wondering how I could start this, how I'm going to tell him. I opened the box I brought with me and pulled out the contents from inside it. Cam was watching me, waiting. I started crying just looking at the things.

"hey, don't cry."

"here, look at this."

I handed him a picture and he looked at it closely, I waited while he looked.

my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now