my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!! *HANNAS POV*

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**i still want my 4 votes on the last chapter and this isnt a chapter but a pov of Hannas...i wanted u to know how she was 4 votes if u like and want more of her pov...tell me what u think and listen to the video its perfect for her pov

Hannas POV:

So he shows up to the door with her. well her names Kandance but I cant stand her. I try to be nice because shes his soon to be wife. Doesn't he know he suppose to be with me? Wow she has the same eyes as Riley. I mean shes not bad looking, but Camerons mine. He'll be mine one way or another. After awhile I found out Riley was her son. So the whore had a kid and gave him away. Wow talk about being a whore she must have been like 14 or something. But yet shes carring MY MANS twins and decides to keep them. Oh so she wants him back now does she. Haha she wishes, it'll be the last thing I ever do. Im not giving her Riley after she threw him away like he was nothing. I pretty much raised the boy. God this bitch just needs to get out my house already. Why did I agree to let her come see Jayme. Jayme has a mom she doesn't need this bitch pretending to care. Camerons so blind if he cant see behind her lies. He'll come back to me. Even if I have to make him. She thinks shes going to live the perfect life, well watch her world come crashing down. Stupid fucking bitch. Then Camerons going to be mine, god this bitch just needs to step out the picture. Shes nothing but a hassle. I got rid of a bitch before that tried to take my rightful place and ill do it again. Oh Cameron if you only knew the truth about Jayme, but hey I wanted you from the moment I saw you and im going to have you. You say im your one night stand but Caden doesn't think that. Oh what would big brother do if he knew his brother was fucking me still. Yeah im one evil bitch. But hey I might as well fuck Caden and think its Cameron until I get what I want. I always get what I want NO matter what NO matter who. So that bitch better watch out cause im out to take whats mine and Camerons MINE!!

(((((so i know u didnt see that coming did you??)))))

my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now