my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!! *chapter 27*

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**I need stuck and not sure where to go with this :( soooo help me out thanks and sorry for the wait and srry for it being short i still love yall ok here it is and check out my new story JP(model) living a double life...readddd it lol and jpearly u better read it lol ull see y the jp kinda sums it up lol ok so here it is...*****

We cleaned up my office and then left. I got to the daycare and got out. Cam walked next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. We walked in and Riley saw me.


He came running up with Tiffany and C.J. following. He hugged me for dear life and so did the twins. Then he looked at me to Cam.

"Cam, you came back?!"

"yeah buddy, how you been?"

"good, mommy had two babies. that's Tiffany and that's Cameron. She named him after you."

"I know. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"hey, Cam pick your son up."

"hey C.J. come here."

He picked C.J. up and held him. I could tell he was happy. Riley tugged on me.

"Mommy, wheres daddy?"

"he went away baby."

"for hurting you?"

"yes, but don't worry Cams here now and he'll keep us safe."

"wont he leave again?"

"no, buddy I love mommy and im not going nowhere. He knows about Caden hitting you?"

"yes, he did it in front of them before."

We got the kids and put them in the car and drove to the house.

"no, go to my place. We can stop and get somethings for you and the kids but that place is like hell to you. I want you to feel at home."

"um, okay."

We grabbed some things for the kids and then I let Cam drive to his house. We pulled up to a house that was beautiful. I looked just like my dream house. Same color, same size, hell even the door I wanted.



"this is yours?"

"yes, I had it built right before I left. I wanted to surprise you with it, seeing as it was everything you wanted it to be. Its got 2 cribs inside and a guest room."


"well it was for the kids but they might be a little big for it now, maybe we can make it into a toddler bed or something."


We got out and walked in. everything is just how I would of wanted it. Its as if I could go through the entire house without him telling me where anything was. The kids jumped on the couch while Riley put on spongebob. I walked up the stairs and straight down the hall to a door I knew was the bedroom I wanted. I opened the door and its as if I stepped into a dream. The walls were light blue with butterflies drew on them. the carpet was soft plush white and the master bed sat in the middle of the room. It had a big screen t.v. on the wall in front of it. I walked into the master bath and saw my Jacuzzi with the tv above it. I really loved this house. I felt someone put their arms around my waist and I rested onto his chest.

"like it?"

"I love it."

I turned around and kissed Cam. He pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. I had to pull away before we got carried away.

"we have to feed the kids you know."

"oh yeah, pizza?"

"sounds good to me."

"is there anything special?"

"tiffany likes only cheese and C.J. likes bacon and chicken and Riley likes Pepperoni and sausage."

"okay and u still like your extra cheese and bacon with chicken and sausage right?"

"yep, you know me too well."

"I know, come on we have plenty of time to spend in here tonight."


"yeah, well your still my fiancé you know, you never did say it was over between us so I do have a right to share a room with you."

"you said it was over, not me."

"that was different. That I didn't mean. What, want me to ask again?"

"no, come on."

"oh no, you want me to ask you again. I will when you don't even know it."

He had something up his sleeve that's for sure. He grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs. He ordered the pizza as I sat on the couch with the kids.

"hey Kan you think you can still kick my ass in rock band?"

"I don't have to Riley can."

"oh can you Riley?"

"ill whop your butt."

"bring it."

Cam put on the ps3 and handed a guitar to Riley and had one for himself. They played until the pizza came and then we all ate. The twins wanted to take a nap so I put them to bed. Riley fell asleep on Cams lap so now it was just me and Cam.

"here let me put him to sleep and then maybe we could make this officially our home."

*****sooo thats what i got lol help me out here ppl lol*******

my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now