T h i r t y - s i x

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- S e b a s t i a n -


My bark resonates, mixing with Yahiya's and Zayn's. I guess in this, our desperation to stop Hamsa from darting into imminent danger, we're unified.

"Hamsa! No!" Without thinking, I charge after her. Zayn too has the same reflex and he's by my side in a second.

But she is too fast and has already dashed into the crumpling building. Zayn and I dive into the hurricane of smoke and dirt, coughing and puffing, but we keep going. The smoke stings my eyes and I get momentarily blinded, which is all it takes for me to trip over a rock, landing on my face.

I grunt as my chest hits the ground with full force, knocking me out of breath, but quickly I struggle to my feet, and push myself forward. Zayn plunges into the hallway and I'm a few steps away when the air before me vibrates and I see a rain of rocks collapse at the entrance, with a loud groan. A wall between me and Hamsa.

No, no, no!

I throw myself at the wall of rocks where the opening to the hallway was seconds ago, beating my fists at it. "No!" I scream. "Hamsa!"

I shake my head with a growl.

Hamsa cannot be trapped inside with me out here, powerless, useless. I have to do something, anything.

But I cannot think. My thoughts crash explosively against my skull, in time with the rhythm of my heart.

Near my feet, Lamees sobs, hands clasped over her mouth and eyes shimmering with terror.

Beside her Yahiya kicks and thrashes at the barrier, trying to move the rocks. His blows are random, despairing and not even one of the rocks budges but he doesn't stop. Doesn't quit. "Hamsa! Zayn! Anas!" He barks.

Lana closes a hand around Lamees' arm and pulls her to her shaking feet.

"They won't hear you," Lana says steadily.

It's obvious she's trying to stay calm, be the level-headed one in this situation but her trembling lips are hard to miss.

The horrid guilt gnaws at my insides as a thought dawns on me. This is my father's doing, this is the demonstration of power he was talking about. He's the only person capable of swinging something like this.

A sob gurgles in Lamees' throat. "What if they're dea-"

"Don't you even dare say they're dead!" I explode at her. "They are alive! They can't be dead"

Hurt flashes across Lamees' stunned face and immediately I'm attacked by a wave of remorse. She falls into Lana's chest, wailing.

"Calm down Sebastian," Lana says, her tone not chastening, just concerned.

My words spit past gritted teeth. "I. Can't"

Get yourself together, Sebastian. I'm not the only one suffering right now.

I slam my fist against the wall and grit my teeth when it hits a jagged rock. "I'm getting her out of there!"

Yahiya goes limp, head pressed against a rock. His breath is laboured and his hands trembling. Suddenly he lets out a guttural roar, turning on me so fast I recoil.

"You are the reason she is there in the first place!" He erupts.

If I thought I've seen Yahiya's angry face before, I was wrong.

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