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I shove amid the itchy needles, fighting the scraping twigs. A tree branch catches on my hair, yanking me back.

I groan, stopping to free my hair which is now tangled and full of leaves.

I'm going to need a long shower after this. I don't know how Bash could love it out here with all the dirt and insects.

Focus, Alex.

I reach Bash's favourite spot in the woods and stop to look around. They're not here yet.

The sun is down and even though the moon is a quarter, it's still too dark for my comfort.

I chafe my hands, trying to ignore the sound of things crawling through the grass beneath me.

I lean on a tree trunk, the bark a rough scratch on my bare legs, and wait.

That's when I hear it; the sound of a latch opening.

I perk up, scanning my surroundings suddenly alert-and I hate to admit, alarmed.

Leaves and twigs rustle, and then a door creaks open in the ground infront of me.

I quickly pick up a rock the size of my palm, and hold it ready to defend myself.

Holding my breath, I take a step back and watch as a head pokes out of what seems to be an underground tunnel.

"Stay here, let me check out the area first," says a girl's voice.

She climbs out of the opening, fixing her dress and head scarf.

So it's a Muslim escaping from the raid.

I start to relax; what can a girl do to me? But then I remember Hamsa and figure I should hang on to my rock: Muslim girls are bloody strong.

The girl is quick to notice me standing in the shadows of the woods. Abruptly she crouches to grab a... twig, holding it by both hands in front of her.

I almost snicker.

"Stand back!" She exclaims, voice trembling slightly. "I'm not afraid to attack you."

"With what? A twig?" I ask, reining in my smile.

She looks embarassed for a moment but then takes a threatening step towards me, her mouth is set in an indignant, annoyed line.

"Put down that rock," she says, lowering herself slowly to exchange the twig for a branch that looks like it would do a lot of damage.

"I don't mean you any harm," I say, suddenly growing wary again.

"Put it down," she spits through her teeth. She lifts the brach higher like she'll hit my head with it.

"Okay, okay! I'll put it down," I say.


I lift a hand up in the air and lower the other untill the rock hits the grass with a muted thud.

The girl, who I surprisingly cannot help but notice is very pretty, looks pleased.

"Now without any funny moves, place your hands on your head and turn around."

Oh come on, Sebastian and Hamsa hurry up and get here. Maybe then Hamsa can talk some sense into her fellow Muslim comrade.

"Lamees?" Calls another girl's voice from inside the tunnel. "What's going on?"

Lamees? What a cool name.

"It's okay, it's all covered Lana, come out now."

Another girl, a little older than Lamees climbs out, carrying a baby. Before I can see who else is inside the tunnel, Lamees pokes my shoulder with the branch.

The Girl in The Green Scarf Where stories live. Discover now