? |Hamsa

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Zayn is in the ICU.

Doctors say he has a fractured rip, a collapsed lung, possible heart trauma and a broken knee that may never fully heal.

He is still unconscious and may remain that way for days... if he's lucky.

I don't know how to feel.

Actually, I don't want to feel.

And I don't want to choose what to pray on.

I dread the thought of losing him, but at the same time I can't help but feel I'm being selfish praying that he makes it through.

He lost everything he cares about and may lose even more. What kind of life will that be he wakes up into?

No, he still has me and Yahiya.

And Zeina and Hani will have him Insha'Allah.

I just pray that Allah does what He sees fit.

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