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Day six. I guess.

The girl in the green scarf has been gone for three days.

It'll be easier if I don't have to call her that. But I think it doesn't make a difference anymore; she's probably dead by now. Or maybe the man did find something useful for her to do like he said he would. I mean something better than lying around this room all day, mumbling and bothering me about my shirt.

The cell is better without a mate anyway. It's cozier and I get a lot of me time; who knew I am this complicated and deep. So other than the times the freaks pay me a visit, being held in solitary prison is fun.

As if on cue I hear the door unlock and brace myself for what's coming.

"Big boy ready for today's session?" Says the man I came to call 'goat face' in the past few days; his small triangular shaped beard makes him look just like one. But who am I to judge if the man likes it that way.

I don't bother to look up from my cot and I guess this annoys him since he cracks his knuckles and shake the frame. I glance up at him with the best 'what the hell do you want' look I can muster and see giant man follow him down the stairs. This man in turn deserves his nickname; he towers above me and I'm pretty tall at 6'4".

"Tie him up. Today he's going to cough up something, be it information or blood. It's his call." I snort slightly at their lame excuse of a threat and take my hands out of my pockets extending them in front of me for them to tie.

"Be my guest." I say and try to hide my smirk but I assume I fail hence the anger that flashes through goat face's eyes.

"We'll see if you still have this cocky smirk on your face after we're done with you."

About some time later, I'm still tied to the chair giant man brought down with him and goat face is panting in front of me with the effort, it must be very exhausting to beat up someone. My face is sore from where he just punched me but it looks like he's more frustrated than I am.

"Is that all?" I say raising my eyebrows.

"Do you want to get out of here or not?" Giant man asks stepping away from the wall he is leaning on casually with his hands folded.

"I don't think that makes a difference; you're killing me anyway. So how about you get it over with. I'm not saying anything."

Goat face huffs and turn giving me his back, just to turn around fast and punch me again. I groan tasting the copper of blood in my mouth. I spit on the ground and it comes out red. Son of a-

"I told you you'll spit something. Now that we're done with the blood how about our information?"

I laugh.

Loudly and humorlessly, my shoulders shake, aching in the process. Giant man, who has been relatively calm up until now, walks to where I'm tied and holds my hair in a hand yanking my head back. I can see his nostrils flare just before he cracks his skull against mine making me dizzy.

"If you aren't going to give us the intel we need, we're going to get it ourselves. Even if ot means we burn down every house, hospital, school, station and department in the process. And it'll all be on your hands."

"Good luck with that." I spit.

He pulls my hair once again making me wince and then he lets go.

"Untie him. We're done here."


When I hear footsteps coming down the stairs later in the afternoon, I think the men forgot one of their butts down here earlier. I stare at the entrance with disdain, but the person that appears is far smaller and feminine than any of them.

"Well, if it isn't my former cell mate." I say clapping my hands theatrically, I am kind of tired after the beating and can't bring myself to clap more than once. "What brings you here? Did they finally realize I'm not going to spill and sent you to finish me off?"

"Hello to you too." She says rolling her eyes. She walks to where I'm resting on the floor with my back to the wall and stands in front of me.

"I got you something." She says revealing a leather satchel and a shirt from underneath her scarf. I notice she isn't wearing the green scarf or the black cloak but instead has a green dress and white scarf on. Guess I should change her name to the girl in the green dress.

"I didn't know we were on gift basis. Forgive me I have nothing for you" I say sarcastically as she throws me the satchel. I eye it suspiciously before I open it, seeing what's inside I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Well I work in the kitchen now; those are some left overs, they're better than bread and water." She says looking at the ceiling and fidgeting with her fingers, it's obvious she's uncomfortable having this conversation with me. "And the shirt is a replacement for the one I tore, even though I know you aren't going to wear it."

I don't know what they eat upstairs but the food in front of me isn't leftover for sure. There's a full steak, a cucumber and some kind of pie in a separate plastic bag.

"I thought we are just cell mates. Since when do cell mates bring food to each other?" I say folding my arms.

She glares at me so hard but I don't budge. I'm really curious why she is doing this.

"You know you can't pierce me with you stares right?"

"Just shut up and eat." She says and then a female voice calls from up the stairs.

"Hamsa hurry up, we're going to get in trouble if anyone catches us here."

"I'm coming!" The girl says looking back at the stairwell worriedly and then at me.

"Enjoy your food and shirt."

"I will." I say and then she runs up the stairs and the door locks again.

Hamsa... hmmm. What a weird name.

But I guess it is less of a mouthful than 'the girl in the green scarf'.

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