F i f t y - n i n e | Sebastian

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– S e b a s t i a n–

Till we reach Al-jannah"

"You clean up good," Yahiya says once Alex shuts the door behind him.

I cock a teasing brow. "Is that a compliment brother-in-law?"

"Just take it quietly, Walsh," he says, giving me a pointed look.

He settles down on the couch, folding a leg over the other. I can tell he is trying to be menacing, really trying, but it is hindered by the smile playing at the edges of his lips.

Yahiya is just that kind of bloke who, once you've seen his good side, his bad side ceases to exist.

"Am I going to get the older brother lecture? The one where you threaten to break my spine if I break Hamsa's heart." I ask, with a smirk.

"Do I have to give you one?" he counters. "I was under the impression you were 'the perfect man for Hamsa'." The quotation marks make my smirk grow wider.

"Hamsa said that?" even now, hours from getting married, the thought of her wanting me feels unreal, it makes me giddy and warm inside.

"More or less."

"I'm hoping more."

"Well just for good measure, take good care of my sister," he says."Even though breaking your spine sounds like so much fun."

"You scare me sometimes," I say with a fake shudder.

He gets up, standing inches away from my chair. "Good."

"For what is it worth, I wanted to tell you myself," I say. "I know you're a guy of tradition and I wanted to respectfully ask for your sister's hand. But Hamsa insisted on talking to you first."

"Well, I'm not sure that would have been a good idea." He rubs the back of his neck. "I wasn't exactly thrilled when Hamsa told me. I wasn't sure if she knew what she was doing, if she rushing into something she doesn't understand. Even now, I'm not sure you are."

I laugh slightly. "Believe me, I am sure." I haven't been more sure of anything in my life.

Finally Yahiya's smile slips. "Then welcome to our family, Sebastian."

"Thank you, Yahiya."

"I'll go tell Sheikh Hudhaifah we are ready for him," he says, leaving the room.

Alex returns in a navy blue suit, paired with a red bowtie and a white shirt.

"What do you think of the best man?" he asks, doing a little spin, then tapping his way over to me.

"Just don't look down at my feet. I couldn't find any shoes."  He lets out a dramatic sigh.

"You look good Alex. Y'know as long as nobody notices the slippers," I say, laughing.

"You're lucky, it's a dream to get married barefoot."

I roll my eyes. "You have the weirdest dreams."

He helps me onto the bed, telling me a couple more bizzaro dreams.

"You haven't had anything to eat yet, have you?" he asks. "Should I get you something from the cafeteria before things start?"

"No, I know it is cheesy and everything," I rub my head sheepishly. "But I want my first meal of today to be as a Muslim."

Alex grins. "I won't judge mate. Just for today though 'cause I'm so happy for you."

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