Chapter 3

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     The light was blinding. I had to blink a couple times before I could see. When I looked around, I saw that I was in a large room with cream-colored walls. There was a desk and a PC in the corner. Was I home? I got out of the comfy bed and realized that I was still wearing my clothes, but they weren't wrinkled. I went over and checked the computer. There was no password, and when I turned it, on it opened to a document titled "Trainer Tips". I was definitely not home.

I grabbed the f/c backpack lying at the foot of my bed and walked down the stairs. At the kitchen table was a woman who I assumed was supposed to be my in-game mom. "Good morning sweet heart! Professor Oak across the street wanted to see you, you should go talk to him." She exclaimed. 

"A good morning? I don't know what that is." I muttered, taking her words as a queue to leave, but then I heard from behind me, "Is something wrong, y/n? You're usually more cheerful than this!" Did she just respond?

I turned around and forced a smiled. "No, I'm just a little tired. See you later!" And then I fled. "What the heck? NPCs aren't supposed to respond!" I said under my breath. I turned around once I was safely outside and took a good look at my house. I didn't want to walk into someone else's house on accident later on. Deciding I knew what it looked like, I ran into the forest surrounding the small town and sat down on a rock; I needed to think. I tried lifting up my right hand to open a menu screen, but nothing happened. I tried this a couple times before I gave up.

'First of all,' I thought to myself 'how do I get out of here? I don't think this is a dream, it feels real. Logically, I would have to get to the end, but logically, if this was a game there would be a log out button. The Legendary pokemon are supposed to be smart, right? Maybe they would know how to get me out of here?' This answer seemed good enough for now, it at least gave me something to do.

Suddenly, a light buzzing noise filled the air. "B-Beedrills? I don't even have a pokemon yet! Shoot!" I saw two come at couple meters away in the forest. "Uh, water! Bees are afraid of water, right? Is there any water? I think I saw a river earlier..." I looked around, I was lost. I desperately tried to find which direction led to town, but all I could see were trees. If I went in the wrong direction, I could be lost forever.

"Help!" I called, but no one came.

The beedrills were approaching quickly, so I stood in a fighting stance, waiting for them to get close enough. In a couple seconds, one was right in front of me. "{your own sound effects}!" I yelled and punched my attacker in the face.

The bug type pokemon seemed startled from the unexpected attack, which gave me time to hit it again. This time, it was mad. The beedrill's red eyes narrowed in anger and it raised a sharp needle, ready to kill. I backed away, only to run into a tree. This... was not going well.

The beedrill made a bee line towards me and I ducked down just in time for it to run into the tree behind me. However, now I was on the ground. There wasn't anywhere for me to go. I sank down in defeat as it towered over me, closed my eyes, and waited for the sharp pain that would mean death.

But it never came. "Bulbasur, use tackle!" 

A/N: Was this good? I kind of liked leaving it on a bit of a cliff hanger *evil laugh*. Who's it going to be? Who saved y/n? Was it me? Was it even a human?? Was it an alien??? You'll find out tomorrow! Thanks for reading! *rawr*

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