7- A Choice is Made

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Cas appeared quickly and had Diana lay down in bed. She did as she was told. "You might want to leave the room. It's hard to watch regardless of the outcome." Cas suggested. We did as he stated and sat in the library. About 10 minutes later, Cas returned.

"So?" Sam spoke up.

"She didn't make it. I'm sorry. I was as gentle as possible but it messed with too much of her DNA." Cas said as gently as he could and disappeared.

"Sam, I'm s-" he just wrapped me in a hug.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. I'm just as much at fault as you. We should have waited until you were cured. I'm sorry I suggested to do this."

I agreed. "I should have decided against it too." I cried into Sam's chest as he hugged me. We all went and sat on the couch, none of us bearing to go see Diana. It got late and Dean left to get food.

"I want to make a deal." Dean told the crossroads demon.

"What's your trade? Your soul is very valuable as you know by now."

"My soul in place of Diana. Diana gets to live a happy healthy life with no powers." He reasoned.

"Easy. You get 6 months. Lucifer needs one of your souls quickly. He's always wanting a Winchester. Deal or not?" The impatient demon asked.

"Alright. Deal." He replied sadly. He made the deal and went to get food. He sped back to the bunker and they all ate in silence before they heard a pounding noise. It was the panic room. They opened it to see Diana at the door perfectly ok.

"Mommy! Daddy! Dean! I have no more powers. I'm ok. I thought I was dead but I woke up." She stated happily.

"We're so glad you're ok. Dean, go call Cas. We need to know how he could have missed something like this." I asked of him. Dean nodded and headed out.

"Cas, I know you know what I did. Please come up with a reason she seemed dead but isn't so I can let them be happy. Please..... I get that you can't lie, but.... Ok. Fine." He turned around after he hung up and he saw me standing at the entrance to the panic room. "Caitlin, I- uh-"

"I won't tell Sam. Just say he couldn't find a pulse when he was done but it was just really faint." I offered. I was mad at him but wanted to save him the trouble with Sam.

"Sam, he said he couldn't find a pulse once he was done but it must have just been super faint. I'm just glad she's ok." Sam bought it.

"Me too." We all hugged her and we left the panic room. She loved being let out. We all hung out and watched tv and stuff before bed.

"Going to bed?" I asked once Sam got up. Diana was long since in bed and Sam appeared to be heading there.

"Yep. You coming?"

"Yeah in a bit. I wanna watch some more tv." He gave me a kiss and went to bed.

"Dean, I'm mad but I'm not a jerk. I won't tell him. You need to eventually though. I know you sold your soul for her. Just tell me how long you have." He stayed quiet. "Dean." I snapped.

"6 months." He replied sadly. I let out a sigh.

"Dean, you didn't have to do this. We would have been ok eventually. I get why you did it, but you didn't need to. I'm sorry you only get such a short amount of time. Look, I'll be there when you tell him. I know you don't want to, but I'll make sure he's relaxed. Try to get some sleep and make these 6 months count." I told him. I tried to be consoling.

"Thanks. Why are you so understanding?" He asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just see where you're coming from. You want Sam and I to be happy and despite the fact this was a dumb choice, I appreciate the thought." I replied. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."


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