27- New Life

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Days passed and Sam still hadn't come back. I was so upset most days that I just stayed in bed other than to get food. Occasionally a thought came into my head that he was seeing someone else but I shoved that away quickly because I still trusted him. One day, I got a weird text from Sam.

It was simply an address. I went and told Dean.

"I'll look up where that is." He typed away on the laptop. "It's just some house. I guess we should go check it out. Sam wouldn't send you into a trap." I agreed and the three of us piled into the impala. I hoped Sam was there. I was starting to become depressed and I was sort of letting myself go. I was in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. My hair didn't look the best and I looked incredibly tired no matter how much sleep I got. We pulled up and Sam's car was there. We got out and Diana walked cautiously with us. Dean led us inside. He had a loaded gun in his hand and I held Diana's hand as we walked behind him. There in the middle of the living room was Sam with some flowers.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'll let you two talk." Dean stated. He left with Diana for a moment.

"Sam, what's going on?"

"I'm-" he was about to finish but really noticed my appearance. "What happened to you?"

"You. You happened to me. You leaving has hurt me so much, Sam. Do you not realize that? I've been miserable."

"I'm sorry, babe. I'm really sorry. I did leave so I could think about things but I also did this. I bought this place. I reinforced all of it and it's demon and supernatural proof like the bunker. We can have a normal life now. There's a school close by that we can take Diana to. She's behind for her age but we can work on it. We just have to be careful. I did this for you." He explained.

"Sam, you could have done this a different way. You should have just told me. I've been crying every day and been so upset." I told him.

"You were that upset being without me for just a few days?"

"Yes, because I thought you meant you couldn't do our relationship anymore. Do you have any idea how much that hurt me?"

"I'm sorry. I realized later that you might have taken it that way. I really honestly meant that I can't hurt you and be the reason you're upset anymore. Come here, babe." I moved closer. He wrapped me in a hug. "I'm so sorry. If you don't want this, I'll-"

"I want this, Sam. Just you scared me to death. I still love you and I hope you do too." I cut him off.

"Of course. I love you too. I shouldn't have tried to surprise you. I kinda made this all worse."

"It's ok." We shared a kiss before we stepped outside to see Dean with a couple boxes and suitcases clearly full. "Dean, what's all this?" I asked.

"I was kind of in on it." He told me cautiously.

"What?!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry. He wanted to surprise you and I went along with it. I didn't know you'd be so upset."

"But you kept going when I was upset. Whatever, I'll talk to you later." We went inside and got things situated.

"It was mostly furnished when I bought it. They were selling it super cheap since some things were falling apart, but I got them fixed so it's ok." Sam explained. There was a nice kitchen table and a comfy looking couch in the main room. The walls were beige with white trim. There were 4 bedrooms, the biggest being Sam and I's and then the others were decided by Dean and Diana as to who would get which. Diana picked the already pink room, we saved one for the baby and Dean took the other. We opened up Dean's boxes. It was mostly pictures and sheets and books. He took some of the most accessed books from the library so they could still do a little research if needed. They would try to lay off for a while. Another box had the food from the fridge so it didn't go bad over there. We stuck that in the fridge.

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