29- Complicated Stress

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As time passed, I started noticing a change in Dean as well. Whenever he'd come back from dropping Diana off or picking her back up he'd be happier and smiling. I didn't really notice at first but it became pretty obvious he was into Ms. Jennings. Sam was oblivious and I think Dean wanted to keep it that way. Sam was typing away on the computer and Dean was just sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee one morning. I slid him a piece of paper across the table.

Just ask her out.

I can't. She has a boyfriend. He wrote back.

Are you sure? If she's into you then I doubt it.

I'm not positive. I'll try to find out.

I just wanted him to get to be happy. Suddenly later in the day, I heard a loud 'gahhh!!' Coming from Sam at the computer. He frustratedly hit the backspace multiple times and ran a hand through his hair. He frantically continued to type, getting frustrated when he made even one mistake. I walked up to him.

"Babe?" I asked softly.

"Not now. I need to get this paper done." He replied, not even looking up for a second. I knew he had saved his paper so I gently closed the laptop. "Caitlin, what are you doing? This is a big test for this class. If I don't finish this, I won't ever finish law school." He was being somewhat irrational but he had been working for so long and he was tired.

"Sam, look at me." He looked deep into my eyes. "Take a break. Just 5 minutes, ok?" You need to give your mind and eyes a break. Come on." I led him to the couch. We sat down. He closed his eyes and was still breathing heavy. "Breathe. It will be ok. You'll get the paper done. Don't stress so much. Don't push yourself farther than you can go. Take some breaks now and then. I'm right here ok? We have a day or so left before Diana is done with Ms. Jennings and then that will relieve some of the stress. It'll be ok." I ran my hand through his hair and rubbed his shoulder hoping it would soothe him. He nodded and kissed me. We sat there for a bit longer before he got back up and went back to typing his paper but much more calmly. Owen was asleep in his crib taking a nap and Diana was taking a break from the schoolwork as she played in her room. 12:30 rolled around and Dean called Diana back in.

"Come on Diana, time to go to Ms. Jennings." Diana happily came out of her room and was ready to go.

"Dean, just ask her." I whispered. He nodded and they left. He came back and waited around until he left to go pick her up. They returned but Dean wasn't happy this time. Diana went back to her room to play.

"Sam, I'm gonna talk to Dean for a sec. It's kinda personal. Just so you know I wouldn't normally keep you out of this." Sam nodded as he typed away.

"Dean what happened?"

"She doesn't have a boyfriend but she said she would never date me because I'm an egotistical jerk." He explained.

"How could she say that? Did you say anything mean to her recently even unintentionally?" I asked, trying to find a reason.

"No." He replied.

"Ok. Come on." I grabbed the keys to baby off his dresser and he followed behind. "Sam, we're going to talk to Ms. Jennings. I'll explain later. Don't forget that Owen and Diana are here. Owen will probably wake up soon. Please pay attention." I told Sam quickly.

"Ok. Diana's playing. And Owen is asleep. If he wakes up, I'll handle it. I love you."

"Love you too." Dean and I left. I let him drive since I knew he'd throw a fit if I did. We pulled into a parking space at the school.

"Why are we here? You can't change the situation."

"I'm gonna try, Dean." I told him sternly. We went in and I knocked on Ms. Jennings's door. "Ms. Jennings?" She looked at me and was sort of confused.

"You know you can call me Sarah. What can I help you with?" Dean walked in behind me just then.

"Tell me what on earth makes you think Dean is an egotistical jerk." She looked around, unsure of how to respond.

"Can I talk to you woman to woman?" She asked. Dean stepped out and I shut the door. "Ok. He's not an egotistical jerk. He just- he carries himself like an ex of mine and he looks like him and I don't want to deal with it again. He also has two kids to care about and take care of and he's kind of with you.

"Whoa, Dean and I are not together. I'm married to Sam and both kids are ours. He just helps us take care of them. He's Sam's older brother."

"Wow. Sorry. I didn't know and he seemed to care a lot about Diana so I just assumed. This is super unprofessional of me to be acting like this right now- being as upset as I am, and I'm sorry, but that's why I don't want to date him." She explained.

"I get it. But listen, if you're worried about Dean hurting you or betraying you or being a jerk in any way, you don't have a reason to be. Dean is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He is so caring despite his tough exterior. He is such a great uncle and a great brother and friend to me. You'd be lucky to have him. Part of the reason I wanted to settle down out here was so he could find someone. You are that girl for him. Every day, he comes home smiling because he just got done talking to you. You make him happy. Give him a chance to do the same to you." I asked of her.

"Ok. I'll give him a shot." She agreed. I opened the door and let Dean back in. "Yes. I will go out with you, Dean." He lit up and he hugged her. They set a place and time for that weekend and we left. On the way back Dean spoke up.

"The door to her room isn't soundproof by the way. I heard everything you said."


"Thanks. You really wanted to settle down so I'd get to meet someone?" He asked, surprised.

"That was part of it, yes."

"Wow. You never needed to do that. I appreciate it though. You're pretty awesome you know?"

"Thanks." We got back and Sam was in the kitchen with Diana teaching her one last bit of math while Owen was in one arm sucking on a bottle. "I take it things are going ok?" I asked as we walked in.

"Yep. Paper's done. Owen's eating, and I'm going back over one thing of math before we take a break for the weekend since she takes the test on Monday."

"Sounds good."

"What's up with Ms. Jennings? Why did you need to talk to her?" Sam asked. I looked at Dean unsure if I could tell Sam. He nodded.

"Dean's dating Ms. Jennings. He has his first date tomorrow." I explained.

"Congrats, Dean. Glad you finally found someone."

"Thanks. I don't know if it's going anywhere yet." He replied before we all hung out until it was time for bed.

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