36- Living Life

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Time flew by and Sam passed the bar and was officially a lawyer. He worked at a small law office downtown and had flexible hours so he could still spend time with all of us. We had our perfect ending. Dean was still pretty beat up about what happened with Ms. Jennings, and kind of seemed to have given up on love. One day, I was sitting there on the couch with Diana one night waiting for Sam to come home when Dean peeked his head in.

"Hey, I'm heading out to the bar for a while. Sam should be home soon." He told me. "I swear that's what I'm doing."

"I believe you. Go ahead." He left and not another word was spoken.

"Mom, why's dad working so late? He's not usually out this long." She asked.

"He's defending someone in a really big case. He's not sure he can even win this one. He's gotta finish work then go back to the office and finish a bunch of paperwork and stuff like that. He should be back soon." She nodded. She ended up falling asleep leaned into my shoulder. I heard the door to the bunker open a couple hours later and Sam appeared at the door to the room soon after.

"Hey, babe."

"Hey. She wanted to stay up to say goodnight." I replied in a whisper with a chuckle. I woke her slightly. "Hey sweetie. Dad's home." She sat up and gave Sam a big hug before he took her to bed. I stayed up on the couch. Sam liked to wind down before he went to bed after a long day like this. "How'd it go?" I asked when he sat next to me as I handed him a beer.

"Well, we won. Just took forever."

"That's good. I knew you could do it."

"Thanks, babe." He put his arm around me and we sat in silence as he drank his beer. Soon after, Dean came back but he looked almost completely sober.

"Dean went to the bar." I told Sam softly so he wouldn't have to ask. "You ok? You seem pretty sober." He was smiling and looked like he was actually enjoying life.

"I'm actually great. I found someone at the bar." He explained.

"And you didn't bring her home?" Sam questioned. "That's so not like you."

"Well, we really hit it off and we just started talking and for once, I liked her for more than just how she looked. She didn't have to flirt with me and I didn't have to flirt with her, we just talked. I hardly drank my beer, I was so into her."

"Wow. See, Dean. You can find someone and not have it be a one night stand."

"Yeah. Cause if this is any indication, I think I have a date." He showed us a piece of paper with her number on it. He was beaming.

"We all chuckled slightly but we're proud of Dean for actually wanting a real relationship. We all went to bed and life was great. We were all happy and that was all anyone could ask for.

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