23- News

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~Fast forward a week or so.~

This was one time that I wasn't worried about telling Sam. He agreed and said he would be ok with having another kid. Diana on the other hand, I was worried about.

"Sam, it's positive." I told him when I walked out of the bathroom. He picked me up and swung me around. He kissed me passionately for a few moments.

"Congrats guys." Dean stated from the hallway where he was secretly listening.

"Thanks, Dean." I replied. Suddenly Diana appeared behind Dean.

"Why are you all so happy?" She asked.

"Diana, honey, you're gonna be a big sister. Sam and I are having a baby." I told her gently. She ran off and back to her room. "I guess this was a bad idea."

"Just talk to her. I think she'll be ok." Sam assured. I agreed and went to her room. I walked in and she was sitting on the bed upset.

"Sweetie, why are you so upset about this?" I asked.

"Because you'll be busy with the baby and not with me. You're all hardly around with me as it is." She explained.

"What are you talking about? I play with you and hang out with you all the time."

"You do, but they don't. They're always hunting and always doing research. They never seem to make time for me. Now there will be another kid and I'll be left alone." She told me sadly.

"First off, I will make sure you aren't left alone. Second, I'm gonna get them to come talk to you. I didn't realize you were feeling this way. Next time, tell me." She nodded. I went back to Sam and Dean.

"So?" Dean asked.

"She's afraid she's gonna be left alone while we deal with the new baby and like no one is going to care about her."

"Why would she think that? She has three of us here."

"Because, Dean, she feels like you two aren't there for her already. She says all you guys do is hunt and research so she feels like you don't really care about her."

"Let's go talk to her." The three of us went into her room. "Diana, we're sorry." Dean stated.

"Why don't you guys love me as much as mom does? Neither of you care." She cried out. Sam couldn't take it and walked out. I stayed for a moment with Dean.

"Honey, we love you so much. We get busy a lot more than your mom so we don't always have the chance to spend time with you. I'm sorry you feel like we don't love you enough. We love you to death and I'm sorry for not realizing we made you feel this way. Once this baby is born, we will stop hunting for a while and we will make sure you are included as much as possible. Ok?" Dean asked. He was so gentle and loving towards her. They talked for a bit.

"I'm gonna go talk to Sam." I told them before leaving the room. I couldn't seem to find Sam right away but I found him in our room in bed trying to hold back the tears he had coming. "Sam?"


"Can we talk?" I asked gently. He rolled over onto his back. I sat next to him in the bed. "Sam, I know how you feel. She's not that mad. Dean apologized and I think they're good now."

"You don't know how I feel at all. You pay attention to her. I'm neglecting her. I'm her dad yet I hardly talk to her. I should make time for her but I can't just quit hunting abruptly like this. I will once you have the baby, but in general, I can't just stop. I'm upset because I need to be there for her but I don't know how to be. I can't be there for this one either." He stated, gesturing at my belly.

"Sam, I get it. Just relax. We'll take it a day at a time. Just try to do more with Diana and take it sorta slow on the hunting. Dean's slowing it down too. You're not a horrible dad or anything of the sort. You're great. I love you. Remember that." He nodded. We got up and went back to Diana.

"Diana, honey?" Sam asked. Dean went into the library so Sam could talk to her.

"What do you want, dad?" She asked sadly.

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that you were feeling like we didn't care about you. I didn't realize that I was neglecting you. I love you so much and I'm so happy you're my daughter. I screwed up. I'll admit it, but I'm sorry. I know I'm a bad dad and you probably don't even want me around anymore. You probably wish I wasn't your dad and you probably wish it was just you and mommy, but I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry. I'll try to be better about spending time with you and try to make sure you're included. I've been horrible to you. I hurt everyone and I'm sorry. I'm just so sorry, Diana." He stated before walking out once again.

"Mom?" She asked, frightened and upset. She lost a couple tears.

"He'll be ok. He just has a lot on his mind about all of this."

"I was just feeling kind of left out. He's not a bad dad and I don't wish any of what he said was true." She stated. She was so forgiving and sweet.

"I know. I'm gonna go talk to him, ok?" She nodded. I walked out, but didn't see Sam. Dean was at a table in the library. "Hey, where's Sam?" I asked.

"He said you told him he could go take a walk to clear his head."

"I told him nothing. He walked out after talking to Diana and I was going to come talk to him about what he said." Dean's face lit up with fear. I whipped out my phone and called Sam. Dean was secretly tracking it while I made the call. "Sam, where are you? I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm fine. I'm just out for a walk. I am such a horrible person. I need to clear my head. I'll be fine."

"You are not. Quit saying that. You are amazing and I love you." Dean gave me a thumbs up so I knew his phone was tracked. "Just stay safe ok? You can go for a walk, just don't do anything stupid and stay safe. Please."

"Ok. I'll see you later." He hung up.

"So where is he?"

"A cemetery." Dean stated with confusion as to why Sam would be there.

"I'll be back. I promise I'll be safe. Go spend some time with Diana. I'll call if I need anything." He nodded and I went out. I pulled up to the cemetery and got out. I saw Sam in the distance.

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