28- School

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We woke up in the morning and Sam spoke up. "Are we ok?" He asked.

"I think so."

"Good. Cause I'm serious. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you and I never should have done this the way I did. I never want to hurt you." He added.

"I know. You weren't trying to. It's ok." We got up for the day and met Dean and Diana in the kitchen for some breakfast. Diana was happily eating some cereal and Dean was sitting there with some coffee. "Morning." I said as I walked in.

"Morning." They replied.

"What's the plan for today?"

"If you're really sure about this new life, then I was thinking the first step would be figuring out the plan of action for Diana's education." Sam suggested. "The school year starts in 3 months or so."

"Sounds like a plan. You wanna take her over there with me after we eat?"

"Sure." We ate then headed over to the school. We talked to the principal and explained our made up reasons for her not having been in school sooner.

"...like I said, I'm sorry. She is the age of a 5th grader but has absolutely zero education under her belt. I don't think there's anything I can do. She'd be severely behind and probably get made fun of by the other kids. She's more than 5 years older than them." The principal explained. Tears were about to come and I didn't want them to.

"Please. You have to do something. We don't have a high graduation rate in the family. I want this for her. I have another little one on the way. I want them both to get through high school at least." I begged.

"What do you mean there isn't a high graduation rate?" She asked.

"My husband graduated high school and went to college for a little bit, I dropped out of high school, and my brother in law dropped out of high school. I did graduate college but I only took the high school equivalency test. I made it through most of high school though. I just want what's best for Diana." She nodded and thought for a few moments.

"Alright. I have something that might work. There's a teacher in particular who stays late to help any student and comes early and teaches extra classes to help those struggling. If you're willing to work with her and Diana on getting her caught up, there is an exam she can take and if she passes, she'd be able to start as a 5th grader. It's a lot of work for a few months." She offered.

"Can we meet with this teacher before we say we are definitely doing this?" Sam asked. We needed to be sure she was a good fit for her and that she wasn't supernatural.

"Yeah. I think she's here talking to a parent." She looked around the doorframe and saw a parent leaving her room. "Looks like she just finished. She's right down there." She said, pointing. "Ms. Jennings is a great teacher. I think you're gonna like her." We thanked her for her time and headed down. We knocked and she motioned us in. Ms. Jennings was a pretty brunette whose hair hit just to the small of her back. She wore a flowing yellow summer dress and had brilliant green eyes.

"How can I help you?" She asked pleasantly.

"We just spoke with the principal and she had an idea for us. This here is Diana. She's 11. She hasn't been to school at all because of family situations and moving around and other things that were going on in our lives. We want her to get an education. The principal thought if we worked with you and with Diana then she could take a test and start as a 5th grader this next year. Would you be willing to help?" Dean asked. I really hoped she would.

"I will on one condition. You take this seriously. You are all going to need to work with her at home a lot. I can teach her just about everything, but not fast enough unless you help."

"Of course. We'll do everything we can." She nodded in approval.

"Then I'd be honored to teach her." Sam mumbled christo and we all secretly held silver and iron in our hands while she shook them. She was clear. "How about Monday-Friday until a week before school starts? From 1-5."

"That should work. See you next week." She nodded and we left.

We got back to the bunker and decided how we were going to do things. "So, why don't we split up helping to teach Diana? I could help with English since I know a lot of language stuff, Sam can do math since he's a math nerd, and Dean can do science or history and we'll split up whichever one Dean doesn't take." I suggested.

"Sounds good except I'm not good at history or science. I don't know how to teach that kind of stuff. Sam's the history buff and you're the science nerd." Dean stated. "I'm not trying to get out of helping. I seriously just don't think I can teach it to someone. It's basic but I suck at explaining things."

"Well what do you want to do to help?" I asked. He needed to do something.

"I can be the permanent driver of taking her over there every day. It's like a 15-20 minute drive there. I'll do that. I just don't want to waste any of our time confusing her because I can't explain it." Dean offered.

"That works. If we need help or something printed or anything, you can help with that too." He nodded in agreement.

Weeks flew by and Diana was making great progress. We worked up her reading level a few grades and she was getting a knack for math and science. She was actually pretty good at everything. I was pretty sure that had to do with Sam being so smart. Life was going great. Diana was learning quickly, our little boy Owen Thomas had arrived, and Sam was doing law school online.

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