15- Confronting Feelings

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"Where's uncle Dean going?"

"He's going to help Sam find a heater. It's ok. More time for us to play." I stated happily. We played with her toys for a couple of hours and I was getting worried.

"Mommy, I'm tired. Can I go to bed now?"

"Of course, honey." I took her to the bathroom where she brushed her teeth before taking her back to her room. "It's getting cold all over in here isn't it? I'll bring you another blanket." She nodded with a yawn. I put the extra blanket on her and she snuggled up tightly with her stuffed animals and I knew she would be out in a flash. "Diana, would it be ok if I sit in the chair in here for a while? I want to wait up for Sam and Dean. If I stay out there too long, I feel like I'll fall asleep." She had a night light and it lit the room up quite a bit.

"That's fine. I hope they come home soon."

"Me too, sweetie. Goodnight." I kissed her forehead and took a seat in the chair. I sent Dean a text.

Where are you? You've been gone forever.

Sorry. At the hospital with Sam. He just went in for surgery. Give me a call when you get a chance. I stepped out into the library after shutting her door gently. I called him.


"What happened to him?" I asked.

"The road was wet and he crashed. He hit the guardrail and was kept in the car by only his seat belt. I got there just in time. He's going back for surgery right now. He's got some bad cuts and broken bones in his arms and legs from hitting the guardrail, but the seatbelt saved his life. He has a moderate concussion as well, but that's it." Dean stated as calmly as he could.

"Is he gonna make it? Please tell me he's not gonna die." I begged.

"He should. He was unconscious when I got to him, and he didn't wake up at the hospital but they expect him to. Try not to worry."

"I just want to say thanks for going after him. I'm sorry about the conversation Diana and I had. I didn't know you were there and it wasn't meant to be as weird as it came out."

"Don't apologize. It happens to all of us. Sam still has it happen about Jess, it happens to me about you, so I get it. I won't tell him either. He wouldn't be mad, but I still won't tell him."

"Thanks. Keep me updated. I know you want me to stay here with Diana. Just keep me informed." I asked of him

"I will. Try to sleep. I'll call if I need to tell you anything. Just have your sound on and get some rest." I agreed and did as he said. I went to the my room and went to sleep. I woke up at about 4:30 am to Dean calling.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"I think you should come down to the hospital. Bring Diana."

"Ok." I got Diana up and we got in an extra car. I got to the hospital. I parked and we went in to Dean, Diana asleep on my shoulder. "Dean, is he ok? He's not dead is he?" I whispered

"No, no. He's ok. He's still unconscious but he's mumbling your name like crazy. I think he wants you there. He's scaring everyone." I walked in to him. He kept mumbling my name. I took his hand in mine.

"Sam, baby, I'm right here. I'm right here. You're gonna be ok. Try to wake up for me. Can you do that? Please?" I begged softly. That was when I took in his damage. He had a cast on one arm and one leg, he had stitched gashes everywhere, and he had significant bruising paired with a long stitched gash across his chest and the side of his neck that I gathered to be from the seat belt. He looked seriously hurt. It took a couple hours but he opened his eyes and started to talk.

"Caitlin?" He asked.

"Sam! You're ok. Oh my gosh. I love you." Dean was in the room too and equally happy.

"I'm ok. What happened?"

"You were in a bad car wreck. You got out of surgery a while ago and you've been mumbling my name recently so that's why I came. We'll fill you in later. We need to get the doctor in here." Dean got the doctor from the hallway.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked Sam.

"My head hurts and I'm not totally thinking straight but I'm ok." He replied.

"Well, you suffered some serious cuts and broken bones. You also have a concussion. We'll need to keep you here overnight for monitoring but if all goes well, you're free to go in the morning. Just don't put any weight on that left leg and try to move as little as possible." He relayed to Sam. Sam nodded in understanding and the doctor left the room.

"You guys should go get some sleep." Sam insisted.

"I slept a little. Dean, why don't you go and take Diana back? I'll stay with Sam." I offered. Dean agreed and headed back. One thing was for sure- Dean was happy Sam didn't take the impala because it would be totaled.

"You ok?" Sam asked.

"Just scared for you. How'd you crash? Do you remember?"

"I don't really remember. I think it was just slick because of the wet road." Sam's concussion made it hard for him to remember the crash at all.

"Do you remember anything from before the crash?" I asked, hopeful. I didn't want to lose everything.

"Yes. I remember everything. It's just the crash that I don't. I didn't forget you or anything. Don't worry. I'll be ok." He assured me. I had a feeling that something was bothering him but I didn't want to question it just yet.

"So do you hurt a lot anymore?" I asked trying to keep talking in order to stop thinking about what I feared truly happened.

"No, I'm on a lot of pain meds. I don't hurt too bad anymore." I nodded and we sat in silence for a while.

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