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"Dean, I'm sorry."


"You didn't tell us where you were going or why because you didn't think you could tell me. I'm unapproachable and I'm sorry. I also should have stepped in sooner."

"What do you mean?"

"I wanted all the info I could get and I wanted good aim, and I waited longer than I should have. I saw everything from when you asked her why to when you passed out. I should have stepped in before that happened. You almost died." I explained as tears fell.

"It's ok. I just wish you hadn't seen that. I didn't want to have you see me like that. You deserve to see me as who I wish I am."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

"When I was strapped down, I was weak and could do nothing to stop them. I don't like you seeing me as weak."

"Is that why you told me not to cater to your every whim? Do you really think I see you as weak?" He nodded. "Dean, you are the strongest person I know. That doesn't mean you have to be stoic and not care and act like pain doesn't exist and act like emotions don't exist. I have never once seen you as weak. Being tortured and not being able to stop it isn't weak. You've lived through freaking torture more than anyone has. That's strong. Don't think I see you as anything other than strong." There was a long pause. "Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Thanks Caitlin. Seriously. For everything. You saved my life. Tell Sam I'm sorry. And I don't think I need anything right now."

"It's not your fault. We both know that. Get some rest. I'll be back in with food when we get dinner tonight." He nodded and I left.

"How'd it go?" Sam asked.

"He's doing ok. Still, I'm sorry I ruined you taking that test."

"It's ok. Really. I'll take it tomorrow." I nodded.  We sat there for a while before I got a text from Dean.

Do you think I could actually get some food now? I never actually had my date.

Sure. I'll bring you something. "Sam, he never got lunch. I'm gonna take him something. We should get something too."

"Yeah." He replied. I took Dean a sandwich and a coke and Sam and I sat in the kitchen with Diana and Owen and ate our lunch too.

The next day, Sam made it to his test. He came back out to the car with no expression on his face. I didn't think he failed, but I couldn't be sure.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"Let's just say.... I aced it." He stated happily.

"I knew you could do it, Sam! Come on, let's go celebrate."

"What about Dean?"

"We're getting him on the way." We picked Dean up then went out to Olive Garden for lunch. It was amazing. Sam had to go work on the rest of his classes once we got home but he loved the meal.

I played with Diana while Dean rested all day and Owen was sleeping off and on all day like all babies do. It was about midnight by the time we called it quits. The kids were in bed and Dean never left his bed except at dinner time. I crawled in next to Sam.

"Baby, I just want to say I'm so proud of you. You're following your dream and I'm so proud of you for passing that test. I know you've been stressed but you did all of that work and it paid off. I love you."

"Thanks, babe." Sam replied. "I love you too."

"So what's next for you?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I have to take one easy test online tomorrow but I guess then I just have to study for the bar and look for a job. Unless that's a problem."

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