16- Injuries

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"Caitlin, what's wrong? You seem afraid to talk to me." He asked.

"Just I feel like you're not telling me something about that crash." I explained.

"Ok. Ok. I was distracted and the road was slick. I was distracted because I couldn't stop thinking about how bad things have been for you lately. I screwed up everything. I missed you like crazy when you were gone. Everything that happened is basically my fault. I was thinking about that and I got distracted so because of the road being wet, I crashed. I passed out after a couple seconds. That's what really happened."

"Sam, why didn't you tell me? You're not at fault for how things have been recently. You don't need to feel bad about anything that happened. I can't believe I'm the reason you crashed."

"Caitl-" he started. I walked out to the waiting room and didn't let him finish. I couldn't deal with the guilt. I sat there for what felt like eternity before a nurse placed her hand on my shoulder. I glanced at the clock before looking at her. About 15 minutes had passed.

"Ma'am, your husband would like to speak with you. He said if you don't want to, that's fine. You've got quite the catch right there. He cares a lot about your well being." She removed her hand and walked back to where she needed to be.

Sam, are you mad? I texted him. I didn't want to deal with it if he was.

Not at all. Just come hear me out. Please. I agreed and went back to his room.

"Come here, baby." I walked closer and stood by him. He wrapped me in a tight hug and rubbed my back as he did so. "I love you. Don't take blame for this. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. Please, don't beat yourself up for this. I'm ok. I'm healing, and I'm not and have never been mad at you for anything that's happened." He consoled.

"I'm glad you aren't mad at me. I just feel kind of responsible. Especially since you told me not to save Dean and I did anyways. That's what caused all of this." I explained.

"I wasn't mad about that either. I was a little bit at first, but I'm not anymore. Just relax. Please. Listen. Take a deep breath." I did as he said. "Take a couple more." I did and I felt somewhat relaxed. "There, that better?" I nodded. I gave him a passionate kiss before sitting in a chair and preparing to go to sleep. Just then the nurse popped in.

"Caitlin, can I speak to you for a moment? Sorry to bother you both." She asked. I stepped out with her.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" I asked. I was getting worried.

"Well, we got another CT done before you went back in. We just viewed the results and it doesn't look good. What we thought was just a concussion is actually slight bleeding in the head. He's got some blood and fluid around his brain right now. He's awake and doing ok right now, but he probably won't stay awake for much longer. We can't operate for another couple of hours because they are busy with people about to die, but he's towards the top of the list." She told me. I glanced back in to Sam who gave me a flirty smile. I smiled back.

"Is he going to die?" I asked. I was petrified.

"I don't know. We don't know how long he has with this bleeding. I'm sorry. I'll keep you updated."

"Ok. Promise me this- you'll do one more CT before he goes in for surgery. Please. I've heard of people's bleeding stopping suddenly. I need you to promise me that."

"I promise." She replied. I nodded and sadly walked back in to Sam.

"Caitlin? What's wrong?" He asked. A few tears leaked out.

"Sam, y-you-you're dying. You have bleeding around your brain. It's not just a concussion. You can't have surgery for another couple hours. They don't know how long you'll be awake and how long you'll be alive." I told him. I burst into tears. I was so scared.

"Honey, honey, shh. Shh. It'll be ok. Call Dean and let him know and call Cas. He might be able to cure me. No matter what, know I love you. I love you so much." He added. I held onto him tightly. "It'll be ok. I promise." I nodded, wiped my eyes, and left to call Dean.

"Dean. Sam's getting worse." I stated when he picked up.

"What do you mean? What's going on?"

"He has bleeding around his brain and he can't have surgery for at least a couple hours. Can you call Cas? Please? I can't lose him."

"Yeah, of course I'll call him. Just stay there with Sam and don't do anything stupid." I knew what he meant and I hadn't even been planning on selling my soul.

"Thanks. How's Diana?"

"She's asleep. No worries." He replied.

"Good." I hung up and went back in to Sam. He was still awake thankfully. "Dean's calling Cas. I just hope he gets here." Just as I said that, Cas stood next to me in the room.


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