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I woke up around 8 at night, feeling very lost and confused for a bit. Niall wasn't in the room so I got out of his bed and started to walk down the hallway. In the kitchen Niall and his mum were at the table talking to each other. My hair was a mess, sticking all over the place.

"Hey darling." his mum smiled at me. I smoothed my hair out and pulled it all to one side, stroking through it to get the tangles out.

"Looking a bit like a lion." Niall teased me, making me cover my face with one of my hands.

"Sorry." I apologized to both of them for falling asleep in Nialls room. I was just so tired from school and constantly going back and forth with Harry. It was a very exhausting life; not really though, because I didn't actually do as much as I thought I did.

"You're fine. Want some dinner?" his mum offered me as I took a seat next to Niall.

"Sure." I nodded in agreement and continued to comb through my hair with my fingers. "Thanks."

"Of course. Niall and I just got some pizza." she walked over to the counter, grabbing the pizza box. I didn't even notice it was there, as I was still getting my vision perfect when I entered the kitchen. My stomach grumbled ever so slightly- obviously it thought pizza sounded good.

She put it on a paper plate and placed it in front of me. I ate it fairly quickly, not making any conversation as I ate. I didn't particularly like to talk after I just wake up, so my speech was limited to only a few words.

I stayed over for a bit longer, just relaxing with Niall and talking about random things. There was nothing better than a nice, non-serious talk with him. Especially when we messaged each other, we would always have real talk. He was the only one who truly cared, to the deepest extent. When I got home I got into my pajamas and started to message him.

To idkanamewtf:

hey :)

From idkanamewtf:

hiiii. just get home?

To idkanamewtf:


From idkanamewtf:

cool beans:)

To idkanamewtf:

why does everyone keep talking about beans with me!??! LOL

From idkanamewtf:

Ummm?? lol xD

To idkanamewtf:

remember? i was talking to my grandmum and she called me a little bean :D

From idkanamewtf:

oh yea! that was hilarious. :D

To idkanamewtf:

yeah. definitely. LOL. so i had fun today:)

From idkanamewtf:

oh yeah, me too :)

To idkanamewtf:

sorry i fell asleep.. i feel so bad! xD

From idkanamewtf:

You're fine. You looked adorable :)

To idkanamewtf:

aren't you cute ;)

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