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Hellooo you lovely human! Yes it is me writing another joshler fic and I have been so excited to finally publish this :). Just to be clear here since I don't want any controversy; I totally respect Tyler's marriage & I love Jenna so muches. Also I shipped Jebby so friggin hard and my heart still aches. I am not against their relationships nor am I influencing anyone's opinion on the shipping bullshit. This is just fiction meaning not everything in this story will be true. Secondly, I do not think there will be any triggering chapters but if there are I will make sure to put a warning. However, there will be so much smut so \_(•_•)_/ I'm sorry. ENJOY AND FEEL FREE TO CRITICIZE AND CORRECT MY GRAMMAR!! Also, if you have any questions regarding the story or anything feel free to comment or dm me. Also, do NOT read this book if you can't stand kinkiness (lots of toys & possible punishment) cause there should be plenty as well as cussing> just a warning

Tyler's POV

  "Tyler, dear you're going to be late!" My mothers voice echoed through the house from downstairs. Knowing there would be bright light coming through my window I slowly squinted my eyes open. As soon as they adjusted to the light I let it sink in that I was leaving home. Today was the day I'd be going to college.

I hadn't mentally prepared myself yet like I usually would. The possibility of me making any friends is very slim like usual. However, I'm thankful everyone has a day to set up in their dorms and figure out where their classes are. I had always looked forward to leaving the house but just today I dreaded leaving my familiar surroundings. What if my roommate was crazy or something?

"Tyler!" My mom yelled again. I heard her heading up the stairs and I groaned and rolled over. "Tyler get up, it's almost ten we need to get going." She said. I peeled myself up in bed and stretched. My mom left the room and went back downstairs. As I sat up I couldn't help but examine my bare walls.

All of my pictures and posters that were once hung on my wall, were now stuffed away in a box downstairs. I sighed and finally made my way out of bed.

I decided on wearing khakis and a polo shirt, my usual attire. It's not that I actually prefer to wear these clothes it's just my mom has always forced me to dress nicely. I never knew why but I guess that's just the way she is. I slowly went downstairs with the last box of clothing.

"Finally Tyler! Now c'mon lets go." My mom rolled her eyes at me and I only sighed.  She had already placed my boxes in the car besides the one I was carrying. In the very bottom of the box was my ukulele hidden under my clothes. My mom hated it more then anything. If I were to ever play it in the house she'd yell at me for making noise.

Once the last box was in the car we were on our way. I would drive myself but I didn't have my own car. Depressing isn't it? I'm almost 19 and I still have yet to own a car. My mother never spent money on anything besides dresses and food.

We have always saved up for college since dad couldn't work anymore and mom was left to make money on her own. She never let me get my own job since she wanted me to study and practice basketball. It was always study study study practice. I've worked really hard to get the scholarship I have that she wanted.

The drive was long and all my mom did was lecture me  to avoid parties and only study. She knew parties were nothing to worry about but talked about it anyways and how it would jeopardize my future. If only it clicked to her that I had no intentions of making friends.

Once large buildings came into view I knew we were at Ohio State University. Suddenly I had an immense feeling of nervousness rush over me. I'm going to be so lonely. I should have convinced Jenna to attend here damnit. "Tyler we're at your building." My mom brought me out of my trance and I looked up to see we were at dorm building D.

My mom and I each carried a box to room 116. I was thankful to find out I was on the ground floor when they mailed my key. I pulled the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. Once we were inside my mothers breath was taken away; but for the wrong reasons.

To the right of the room on a small bed was a guy and a girl making out. The girl had no pants on and my mothers eyes were bulged out of her head. The guy shot up from the bed as my mom and I stood in the doorway too bewildered to do anything.

"Woah my bad, not a very good first impression. Sorry." The guy laughed while the girl behind him slipped on a small skirt. She came up behind the boy and groped his bottom before pushing passed me and my mother.

"My names Brendon and I'm sorry about that." He patted my shoulder while I awkwardly smiled. "I'm Tyler." I simply said and I reached out to shake his hand. He glimpsed at my hand before he slapped it and shook it.

"Tyler, may I have a word with you?" I nodded and closed the door while I awaited my mother to speak in the the hall. "We are going to get you a new room and I will personally tell them I didn't want my son roomed with scum." She began to walk away and I called her back.

"Mom calm down. I'll be fine, no one distracts me when I'm studying. Plus he already had his stuff here he's probably been here long enough to know where my classes are." My mom hesitated but nodded her head, little did she know I knew exactly where my classes were. I hid my nerves about Brendon well since I didn't want my mom to humiliate me on the first day.

"I swear if he causes you any trouble call me and I'll have a talk with the dorm director." She spoke sternly and pointed at me with every word. I pushed in the two boxes we brought inside the room while Brendon was on his phone. I walked my mom back to the car before I hugged her goodbye and took the three other boxes.

I wouldn't say I'm in any way close to buff so I struggled to pick up the boxes from the ground as my mother drove off. Before I could try and lift them again someone picked two up for me. I looked up to see it was someone remotely close to my age but dressed way better then I was which I found shocking as I caught a glimpse of his vibrant lilac hair. For some reason unknown to me, my heart rate rapidly increased.

"Hi, I noticed you were having trouble so I hope it's alright if I help you out and take these to your dorm with you." His deep pools of brown looked straight through me. I was at lost for words when he smiled, it was so genuine and bright I couldn't help but stare.

"You alright?" He asked, I didn't realize I stared at him that long and I nodded my head, embarrassed. I picked up the remaining box while I lead him into my dorm building. "So you're a freshie?" Was it that obvious? "Yeah. How about you?" I asked and in response he laughed.

"I'm a professor here, I started this year." He smiled. I was shocked to find out he was a professor, he looked so young. "Yeah I know I'm a little young, as soon as I finished up here I wanted to get right into teaching. Luckily for me the Creative Writing professor just retired last year when I was their student teacher." I nodded, so he must be like 24 or 25? We made it back to my dorm and I as I opened the door for the professor Brendon looked at us stunned. The purple headed man placed my boxes on the bed and left with the nod of his head.

A/n; okay I literally have no idea how Ohio state functions but the college I will go to organized their dorm buildings by letters so that's what I'm gunna do


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