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chap dedicated to scarlettoconnell bc she's so sweet and active ily <3
Tyler's POV

It was Monday morning. Sunshine poured through the large window and I got up from bed. I looked on the other side of the bed to admire Josh as he was sound asleep. He stirred and reached his hand out to where I was laying moments before.

I smiled as he kept patting my spot before scrunching his face. I didn't bother going to the bathroom since I had showered last night. The memories of last night come to mind and I'm blushing just at the thought. I put on the black jeans I was wearing yesterday and I took one of Josh's shirts. I grabbed mine and walked down the hall to throw it in his dirty laundry pile.

Once I left the laundry room I couldn't help but find myself looking at the door where I found all of his toys. Would he mind if I just looked? Josh invited me to stay the night so he could sleep with me, not so I could snoop around. But it would be nice to see what I was getting myself into and I did have a few minutes until I had to leave for my first class.

I shrugged my shoulders before opening up the room. Just like before, the shelves on the walls held the toys I was unfamiliar with. Just as I was about to leave I heard the floor creek behind me. I turned to see Josh with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm sorry I-I was just-"

"Snooping and wandering around my house?" he interrupted.

"I-I no." I stuttered wide eyed.

"Then what are you doing in here?" His expression was still serious and lacked all emotion.

"I was just l-looking."

"The more you look the more intimidating these are going to be for you." He sighed.

"How about tonight, we start out easy." He padded over to where I was and held my hand.

I nervously smiled and nodded my head. Another night with Josh, why would I turn that down?

"Can I stay the night again?"

"Of course." Josh kissed my forehead and I was a blushing mess.


The rest of the day I couldn't focus one bit. All that was on my mind was Josh and what he'd do to me tonight. I couldn't even think correctly in the open gym for basketball and try-outs were soon.

After I finished work I went over to Josh's house anxious. Once I arrived I shook off the nerves as best as I could and made my way inside.

Once inside an overwhelming smell of food hit me making my mouth water.

"Hey Ty." Josh walked over to me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"The spaghetti is almost ready just take a seat at the table after you put your stuff upstairs." he grinned before turning back to stir the sauce.

I did as he said and made my way upstairs and dropped my clothes for tomorrow off on his floor. I made my way back downstairs and took a seat at the large table.

I twiddled with my thumbs underneath the table as Josh prepared two plates of spaghetti. He padded over to where I was sat and placed my plate in front of me before he went across the table and set his down at his seat. He retreated back into the kitchen and brought back two glasses and a wine bottle. He poured the wine into both of the glasses and took his seat.

He did a soft smile before taking his first bite. I mentally said grace before doing the same. I continuously tapped my foot for a good five minutes before Josh finally engaged in conversation.

"Alright, what are your limits?" he wiped his mouth with his napkin and took a sip from his glass.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What are you strictly against me doing to you?" He inquired. I sat in thought of the many things he can do to me.

"Can you give me examples?" I smiled awkwardly. He returned a genuine smile before speaking once more.

"Well I'm not really sure how to put this but um, it'd be nice if you willingly let me fuck you anytime anyplace without hesitating." He smiled as if his statement didn't even phase him. Baffled, my eyes widened and I quickly picked up my glass of wine.

I took a large gulp of it before considering what he said. Josh does make me feel immense pleasure, what could it hurt if I pleased him whenever he wanted?

"I suppose I can do that." I felt my cheeks go crimson and he grinned with confidence.

"I can go on with these limits yanno." He cocked an eyebrow and I tried to remain calm and collected in my seat.

"Enlighten me." I smirked.

"Well there's fisting, whipping, suspension,bondage, and toys." He shrugged.

"Well I'm not sure about fisting and suspension but what toys do you intend to use?" I cringed with the term 'fisting' and I had to force myself not to squirm in my seat as we talked about this.

"Suspension isn't bad at all and toys I would love to use on you vary. Paddles, whips, floggers, a cock ring, vibrat-"

"What's a cock ring?" I interrupted and Josh smirked.

"Don't worry you'll love it."

"I'm not so sure." I mumbled.

Josh shrugged his shoulders with a grin plastered on his face. I finished what was left on my plate before sipping my glass of wine. Josh finished his meal soon after and cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you finished eating Tyler?"

I nodded my head nervously and Josh looked amused.

"Well since we're both finished eating, why don't we take this upstairs?"

"Okay." I squeaked.


also sorry for the lack of updates ive been so busy with a little bit of writers block :(

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