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Tyler's POV

I rolled out of my bed as my alarm rang out. I grabbed my clothes and shut the alarm off. On the other side of the room Brendon was laying down fully clothed and stirred in his sleep. I rolled my eyes before I left the room to take my shower.

Once I had showered I walked to my class and went through the morning without trouble. I was now sat in Creative Writing waiting yet again for Josh. I tried talking to Mark but he blew me off and I assumed he was still mad because I smoked and drank with his friends. Behind me, the doors to the classroom busted open and I didn't bother to turn knowing it was Josh. My heart rate picked up as he made his way to the front of the room.

"Class why aren't you writing? Your free write is on the board." He looked tired and his hair was messier then usual.

"Mr. Dun that was from Friday." a girl in the back spoke and he looked confused. I heard him mutter 'shit' to himself. "Oh um sorry." He erased the prompt and scratched his head. "Um today we will be reviewing Macbeth." many of the students in the class groaned at his statement. "You will be expected to comprehend Shakespeare and complete the assigned reading's and assignments in time. Every other day when I don't have a free write assigned you are given a task on Macbeth, otherwise we'll be having a class discussion." For once Mr. Dun actually sounded like he knew what he was doing.

"Today we will be talking about what we've heard about the play and I'll be handing out copies of all acts."

The class went by slowly as a majority of students went on and on about the play. Josh hadn't made eye contact with me once and I barely paid attention to the class discussion. Finally class had ended and I was left to go to the rest of my classes.

Unlike every other day, I felt as if the day was passing by in a quicker pace. Before I knew it I was back in my dorm getting ready for work after basketball.

I didn't necessarily need a car, I walked to class everyday and the art store wasn't even far off campus. That didn't stop me from wanting a car though. I got to know my way around the store quite well today. I didn't know the exact supplies of every aisle but I had the gist. A few customers asked me for help and I did a good job of telling them where the things are that they're looking for.

"Excuse me, do you know where the acrylic paint is?" A voice that was way too familiar brought me away from organizing the shelves.

"It's down there." I didn't bother looking into his eyes as I pointed to the far corner where all kind of paints were. My heart quickened and my hands were clammy.

"Would you mind leading the way?" Josh asked. As a part of this job I had to make sure the customer was pleased so I unwillingly led him to the paint aisles. "Here you are." I said and he bit his lip.

"Do you want to talk?" he asked gently and I subconsciously rolled my eyes.

"No thank you Mr. Dun I'm working." I faked a smile and walked off. I heard him sigh and fumble around with the paints.

Once the store was closing and I was almost out the door, my manager stopped me.

"Hey do you have a sec?" she did a big smile and I turned to face her. I simply nodded instead of saying anything.

"For your first day you're already doing great. I've watched you talk with the customers and organize the shelves and you haven't been off task once." She grinned once more and I returned one.

"Thank you." I beamed.

"Of course, even a customer today said you were really helpful and should be given a raise." I didn't realize I had been so helpful today. All the job consisted of was pointing people in directions and messing around with the shelves.

"Which customer?" Instead of being all giddy I let my curiousness get the best of me.

"Oh he had purple hair. That raise he mentioned just might happen within the week if you keep it up." She walked away and left me dumbfounded. Of course Josh would say something like that.

I shook my head to myself and made my way back to the dorms. Once I was there and I opened the door I wasn't surprised to see Brendon in bed with a girl. Not just any girl to be exact, but the one with blue hair who made out with me at the party.

I didn't bother saying anything as Brendon popped out from underneath his blanket. I simply walked over to my dresser and pulled out my pajama pants. I absentmindedly took off my khakis and threw them in my dirty laundry pile. "Woah did you wanna join?" The girl spoke and I turned back at the bed. "No thanks." I slipped on my pjs and climbed into my own bed.

"I wouldn't mind that much."

The rest of the night as I attempted to sleep I heard the bed across from me shaking and a constant moan from both of them. How lovely.

a/n; lol rip

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