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It gives me such satisfaction to write this story you don't even know & listening to heathens mmm

Tyler's POV

My alarm clock rang to my right and I rolled out of bed before hitting the top to make it snooze. I decided I'd wear a purple button up and jeans with my black converse but first I need to shower.

I remember seeing a sign for the bathrooms when I brought my stuff in with my mom. I found that sign and went into the men's bathroom. Inside were lots of stalls and a few shower stalls, luckily no one was in here yet. Although it bothered me that the only thing hiding my nudity would be a curtain but I mine as well get used to it.

After I finished I hastily dried off before someone could come in. I slipped on my clothes before walking out of here barefoot, I'll come back to brush my teeth before I leave. Once I returned to my room I slipped on my socks and converse before returning to the bathroom.

It was probably 7 and a handful of guys were waiting to shower since the others were occupied. I smiled to myself before brushing my teeth. I walked a few feet back to my room and dropped off my toothbrush and toothpaste before I grabbed my binders and key.

Considering I learned the campus a few weeks ago online I knew exactly which building I was heading to. My first class was religious studies and I made it before anyone else did.

About twenty minutes later everyone showed up; some on time some not. Our professor was considerably strict and gave us all a syllabus. Once that class was over I was back outside on my way to my creative writing class.

There was another half hour before it even started but I have nothing better to do. I was sat up front alone, not even the teacher was here yet.

More and more people piled in the large room and the professor had yet to show up. Five minutes ago class was supposed to begin and I was left tapping my pencil on the table before a familiar face plopped down next to me.

"Hey buddy." Mark said.  "Hey." I replied kindly. He was wearing sweatpants and a tshirt and it made me look like someone totally opposite of him.

The classroom doors opened  and finally my professor came. I forgot Mr. Dun was my creative writing teacher until I caught sight of his neon hair. I didn't think it'd be okay for professors to miss their own classes. My eyes followed his every movement and I was a bundle of nerves.

"Class, I am your professor for these next two semesters and maybe even the rest of your stay at this university. I'm Mr. Dun but you can refer to me as Mr.D. Every other day I will require you to write a paper on whatever I ask of you and we will have other assignments the days you're not working on a free write. You're expected to do a lot here. Any questions?" He didn't even acknowledge the fact he was late for class.

A girl raised her hand instantly with a bright smile on her face that contrasted with her spray tan. Her shirt hung low and her shorts must be the tiniest piece of cloth I had ever seen. The outfit was similar to many others I've seen around on my first day. Mr. Dun pointed at her and she put her hand down.

"Are you single?" She smirked and other girls snickered. Amused he replied with a simple 'no'. A few other girls asked more personal things but I had more interest in other things than his next hair color.

Other girls had their hands raised and I had mine shoot up. He pointed to me before saying "Tyler?" Mark looked at me confused probably wondering why he knew my name.

"Uh yeah, do we have a syllabus?" He smiled at my question and I lowered my hand back down. "Why did I have a feeling you'd ask that?" A few girls in the back snickered and I kept my gaze on him awaiting for his answer. "No, we don't have a syllabus nor would I want my students to prepare for their assignments."

What kind of reply was that?  He doesn't want his students to prepare themselves? "Alright I'm letting you guys out ten minutes early, bye." He waved off the class before going to sit as his desk and onto his computer.

"Hey what's your next class?  Mark asked me. "Um. My drama class." He slouched. "Damn I have some art elective, I'll catch you later." He patted my back before scooting past me. "Yeah alright." I replied.

I walked over to the professors desk with my binders in my arms. "Mr. Dun, is there any way I could get a syllabus? Even if it's for a few months, I'd really appreciate it." I said shyly.

"You're one of those people who like to get things done early huh?" Mr. Dun turned away from his computer and waited for my response. I simply nodded and he did a sly grin.

"I can tell. I'm sorry but it would defeat the purpose of my teaching method." What teaching method I thought to myself. I nodded and looked at the floor. I turned around to leave the room and to go to my next class. As I opened the door Mr. Dun called my name. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I did a quick grin before going to Drama 1.

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