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Tylers POV

A week has passed. A week without seeing him that is. I had called the school board as soon as my emotions were not all over the place and changed my schedule. I no longer attend Mr. Dun's class and now I am taking another writing class. I believe it was necessary after last weeks events but I miss those unreadable eyes of his. I haven't run into him at all like I usually would, thank god. Brendon wasn't out like I had hoped he would have been when I got back to the dorms and he took me to a party to make me feel better. The numbness in my body was better than the pain I was feeling, but as soon as I was sober the next morning it was back.

The emptiness in my chest doesn't get any smaller as the days go by. I no longer have anything to do after basketball besides getting high with my friends.

I quit my job incase Mr. Dun comes looking for me, pathetic I know but I am not taking any chances of being reminded of the intimacy we shared. The only intimacy I have ever experienced in life.

I'm finished with every single assignment for the next two semesters surprisingly. I'm shocked I found the time to finish the work for half of my freshman year for college. Part of me feels that deep black void in my chest and the other part of me feels the drowsiness that comes with smoking with my friends. If I'm crying, I'm not high.

It's Friday night. I have looked forward to this stupid frat party all week just so I could forget about everything. Forget about him. All of Brendon's friends are now my friends since I smoke with them. They still have their jokes about my relations with him, but they don't know anything. They only assumed things because of Brendon's joke but they don't know how far it got.

I shouldn't even be thinking about this. I take a deep breath before taking the steps into the large frat party where the young adults drink their cares away, I think I'm ready to be that normal college kid.

Josh's POV

I ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration, these fucking essays are all dreadful and I can tell not one student of mine put any effort into it. Tyler always payed attention and did the assignments. I sigh. Of course my subconscious would remind me of the guilt that comes with his name.

I kick the leg of my wooden table as I dramatically stand to my feet. I hear a crack and I know I broke the leg as soon as I heard a snap in the wood. I roll my eyes and watch as the table falls on its side from lack of support and all of the papers I need graded cascade to the floor. I walk over them and grab my keys off the hook.

If I was in my right mind Id go to the bar in search for someone to fuck in the grimy bathroom but instead I head to the dorms. I don't know why I feel this shit over him. Why? I came onto him looking for a good fuck but something about his fucking eyes and his everything really. Every time I look at him and into the pools of brown it's like I can't even think straight. I shouldn't feel like this, he's just some kid that is too attractive to not be bent over my knee, fucked senseless, and-- I stop my thoughts. This is exactly what's wrong with me.

I'm sex crazed and I cannot love someone, it's not like I'd want to and I can't help but feel like something is wrong with me. His gorgeous eyes held fear in them when they looked at me the last time, that exact look has been eating away the emotional barriers I've built for years. I'm so confused but I don't need to be rational here, I need him in any way I can have him.

I pull into the parking lot and my palms are sweating. Am I nervous? What has he done to me? Never in my life have I been nervous for an encounter with someone. I walk down his hallway and knock on his door. I know he won't want to see me, he dropped my class so he could avoid me.

I knock louder and no one opens the door, I try the knob but it's locked. Where could he be? People laughing down the hall remind me it's a Friday night. I don't know why but I get even more nervous than I was knowing that Tyler's probably at some party beyond wasted.
"Damnit." I mumble to myself before stomping down the hallway and back to my car to continue the search for a boy I have strange feelings for.

Sorry for short chap I just thought it'd be a good place to stop, ily all and remember to message me if you ever need anything. I MEAN ANYTHING!! I will reply as soon as I see it or you can contact me through kik; ilovesoup696

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