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For those of y'all wondering why I changed a lot from my old to new fic and it's because I wanted do something different and you guys don't have to read the 'free write' but the last few sentences have some relevance to the story.

Tyler's POV

The rest of my day passed on slowly. I received more syllabuses for almost all of my classes as well as assignments. I just finished my last class which I wouldn't necessarily call a class. It was basketball and it was just an open gym until basketball season actually started.

Since I didn't have many classes I still had a lot of time left on my hands. I figured I'd go job hunting.

I had no license so I walked on the sidewalk for awhile away from campus. Luckily town was just outside of the university and I had a variety of small jobs to choose from.

For awhile I contemplated applying for the library or record shop but neither seemed too appealing to me. I wouldn't work anywhere with food but restaurants were all I saw. I began to grow frustrated until I came across a sign for an art store in the mall.

I crossed the street to get to the mall and once inside I admired how large it was compared to my mall back home. Various department stores blended with multiple food stands and salons. After a few minutes more of walking I found the art store.

The store was considerably large and I was astounded by the many aisles of supplies. I made my way to the front desk with a small smile plastered on my face. "Hi, are you guys hiring?" I asked the lady behind the counter and she smiled. "I suggest you talk with my manager." She pointed behind me and there was a woman in an aisle arranging sketch pads.

I talked with the woman for a job and she gladly handed me an application. I was surprised to find out she was very kind and helped me fill out the form. Once I hand that to her I left the mall and headed back to the dorms. I'd most likely start the job next week. 

It was a bit late and the sun had just begun to set as I made my way inside the building. Once I opened my door I was surprised to see Brendon. He was passed out on his bed fully clothed with his shoes still on. I shook my head to myself and changed as quiet as I could. I set my alarm for tomorrow and climbed into bed.
My alarm abruptly woke me up and I sat up from bed. I hit the snooze and Brendon mumbled before waking up. "What time is it?" He scratched his head as I walked over to the small closet to pick out my clothes for the day. "It's six." I said while grabbing my toothbrush.

"The fuck. Why do you get up so early?" He groaned. "So I can be first to shower." I shrugged my shoulders before leaving the room with my change of clothes and toothbrush.

Once I had showered and brushed my teeth everyone piled into the bathroom. Gracefully I left clothed and clean back to my room to retrieve my binders and work.

Religious studies went by quickly and I was currently sat in Creative Writing waiting for Mr. Dun again. This time he was late by ten minutes not five.

"Sorry I'm late, your free write today is to describe your first lie or a memorable one and how that lie affected you. Don't stop writing until it's time to leave, they're due at the end of class." He sat down at his computer and left the class shocked.

A nervous feeling fell over me and I panicked. I was never good at doing work that was just thrown at me. To my right Mark was already writing and I still had yet to pull out a paper. Once I did so I began to write in a hurry.

Tyler Joseph              Tuesday August 27th


To me I see lying as a gateway or an easy way out. Personally I barely lie and I have only done it to the people I care most about which is rather strange. Often I lie to my mother but it's for her own good.  When it comes to lying I view it as more of a compulsion and a simple way to get out of problems. A more memorable lie I can recall is when I was fifteen. My mother had the new neighbors come over one day for dinner. There was a lovely blonde girl with a beautiful smile. I didn't feel attracted to her more or less I felt as if she understood me if that makes sense. Her gorgeous blue eyes always intrigued me and made me feel as if I could trust her. My mother had them come over a lot after that day and eventually that girl had asked me out. I have always cared about other people's feelings over my own so I felt forced to say yes. To cut this story short I never grew feelings for her and I feel awful that she never got the boyfriend she deserved. One day she asked me if I loved her and-

My writing was cut short by Mr. Dun saying class was finished. It didn't even feel like fifteen minutes had passed and I barely had filled the page while everyone else had over two pages to turn in.  I walked up to Mr.Dun shyly "Hi uh can I finish this later Mr.Dun?" He sighed and my shy smile fell. "Sorry but it's due at the end of class." He took the paper from my hands and I walked away out of the classroom.

Frustrated I attended my next class and could barely analyze the play we were reading. The rest of my day passed slowly and I was glad to have come back to the dorms.

I unlocked my room and beyond the door was Brendon. He was busy in bed with another woman when I opened the door. I was so stunned at the sight in front of me I could barely speak. "Oh woah. Hey." He flipped his hair out of his face and his sweaty forehead glistened. "Um I-I I'll just leave." The girl turned back at me as I began to shut the door "Hey you don't have to go you can watch if you want." She smirked at me before I slammed the door shut. From outside the room I could hear her giggle and I shuddered in disgust.

Since I had no where else to go I decided I would walk around campus with my books.  Before I knew it the sun was setting and it was getting chilly. I was just about to turn around and head back to my dorm when someone bumped into me. My books fell to the ground and my papers flew out of my binder.

Immediately I apologized and he laughed. I recognized the laugh and looked up to see Mr.Dun. He bent down and began collecting my lost papers. "Sorry I was in a hurry to get home." We both stood up once all my papers were shoved back into my binders onto my stack of books. "Oh it's fine I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." I smiled and he returned it. "It's always a pleasure to run into you outside of class. Well uh you wanna go out for coffee or something?" His voice is warm to my eyes and I smile. Wait. Did my professor just ask me to get coffee with him? Isn't that like wrong? His eyes looked into mine and I felt intrigued. "Um yeah sure." I had nothing better to do and I wanted to avoid going back to the dorm where Brendon could still be busy. "Alright awesome." Mr. Dun said and we left for coffee.

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