Filling In (NSFW)

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Lauren stopped flipping through pages the reports of all the districts and combed her hair with her fingers. She’s being crazy right now but she’s willing to be. Remembering what she have said to O’conner earlier, was she so serious about that? Is she going to change the oath? No, it can’t be. If that time comes her subordinators would not represent her as their model anymore.

She would be prepared by then...

Lauren cursed. After she found her lover, she don’t have plans about leaving her anymore. Especially on how she was hurt, it was a miracle that Lauren did not have the repetition of what had happened years ago. She felt it a chance and she would not dare disregard it, “Screw that oath.” She mumbled.

She looked at the curtain beside her and gently set it aside peeking in. She couldn’t even stop herself from smiling seeing her lover awake and is looking up the ceiling, her back hand on her forehead. Tough was aware she was moved in the office of the once 13th, she would not know the reason but its obvious that Lauren could simply not finish her day without seeing her. Her subordinates deprived her for that so she is improvising something better for both sides. Well, not so better for O’conner remembering he had to shout the code across Lauren’s face.

Lauren strayed her eyes to the dimming skies. It was a good day and the industries are starting to switch their lights on for the night. This will be the first night she’ll have Tough by her side, the other nights were excruciating ‘cause she needed to stay inside her office doing nothing. It was also dangerous to escape the lateness of the night because it is the time where spies and rebels move their own way.

Lauren stood, “Leave, I do not want to be disturbed until tomorrow. If they insist, then shoot them right away.”

The two cabals standing on their post bowed and took their exit. She smirked hearing the lock of the sliding door, she skimmed around her office besides the covered left side controlling her nervousness. No, controlling her nerves, Tough is not ready yet. After you left her, let her be hurt, you wanted to be in her life again? She did not yet confirm that if Tough indeed came here because of her or because of her tribe. The abrupt visits she’s doing these past days had been unproductive, knowing Tough is very weak and she needed the rest, the only romantic thing happened is sharing an hour for a cup of coffee. Tough did establish the aura around her that she’s willing to kiss her the other day but Tough was wrecked back then she might not have the chance to back her off. She embraced Lauren the first time but that time Lauren knew that Tough thought someone is raping her. Lauren gasped and stopped pacing, she faced east at the covered corners, Was she raped? Did George order to do that? She paced again, this time with bigger strides, that could not happen, she’ll be torn about that. The delicate and innocent Tough was assaulted by... how many men?

“Bakit parang hindi ka mapakali?”

Lauren abruptly stopped and looked at Tough standing, she swayed the curtains away until she stood straight facing her. Lauren’s pulse then started beating quicker seeing her lover’s eyes gleaming which was now slowly healing though the swelling is gone already. Besides that her face still have fading signs of intense battering, Tough still is as beautiful as she have ever been. The seeming fragile body that is embraced by Lauren’s oversized polo seemed flinching out of weakness and her long legs spotted with fading blotches. Lauren’s inside is churning between awe and rage, though because of the woman’s smile the former is winning the clash.

Tough slowly killed their distances flinching a second and smiling like nothing bad has ever happened to her. How did she deserved such a woman? Finally, Tough let out a sigh as she leaned on her chest like it was the comfort she is looking for. Despite the air conditioned room, Lauren detected droplets of sweats sliding along the line of  her jaw, she dried it with her fingers. Lauren could not stop herself from reaching Tough’s chin and angled it up. Tough complied giving her an innocent impression and she could just not stop staring into those dark eyes.

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