Chapter 1: The crash

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A/N: in this story you are gonna be a dragon girl, from outer space, and you have blue skin, and other features, sorry if you don't like it you can comment below to tell me if I can fix anything, or try to make this story more interesting.

On the look out Dende felt Something, he woke up from it, he hurried to look down at earth "what was that??" He said as he witnessed an object landing very strangely on earth, the object he witness, was a ship crash. "Hmmm..."

On Earth.... "Whew...just finished Rankin the leaves, that was a big chore." While the man was whipin his sweat from his fore head there was a crash from behind him, he jumped "W-what the hell was that?" the old man said as he walked towards the noise, it was in his backyard.

He gulped as he saw the object, he totally understand it was a spaceship "AHH!!" The old man said, as his wife came out to see what the fuss was about, she too jumped "AHH!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING??!!" She said as she hid behind her husband.

The man shook his head, scared, "I-I Don't know..maybe a ship?" The wife, was irritated "w-well go check it out." She pushed him toward the center where the ship was, he yelled as he slid down, face to face toward the ship craft.

He gulped as he was sweating in fear, he poked it with his ranking tool, then the ship door opened, frightening the old man, and his wife. But nothing happened, he went slowly closer towards the opening, and slowly looked inside.

He gasphed as he saw a little girl that looked to be 12 years old. The child was staggering like a hurt puppy, crawling toward the old man. Her skin was light blue as the sky, her hair was Dark blue. The girl opened her eyes slowly, she was in deep pain. She had purple orbs, that stared at him.

She mumbled to him "H-Help m-me please." Then the child Collapsed.

The old man panicked he quickly carried the injured child out of the space ship, he notice the child was wearing very weird clothing, and that she had cuts and scrapes, from all angles. He also was very surprised she had a little tail, that hit him in the face once or twice as he climbed the crater the ship made.

As he got out of the crater, he showed his wife, she gasped and understood the situation, they both hurried inside their house with the strange child. The wife hurried to her first aid kit, and both her and her husband treated the child's wounds.

As they were done, the wife noticed that the little girls clothes was all in shreds, plus it was alittle revealing, she took the privilege to change the little girl into something suitable for her.

It been about 2 hours, that the old couple have treat the child. They were snoozing on their couch while the little girl was resting in a futon.
The little girl finally woke up, and stretch herself, and forced herself up. She grumbled at the pain, but ignored it, as she saw the old man that helped her, with another being that looked different.

She looked back at herself, she was in a different clothing, she thought to her self how strange this place is, and their clothing. She coughed to wake up the old couple. the old couple looked at their injured guest, they sighed as they reached her.

"Hey their, how are you feeling dear?" The kind old women started, while the 12 year old girl looked at both of them, and spoked nervously "I-i'm fine..t-thank you, thank-you for everything..Ms?"

"Your very welcome my dear, you can call me granny. What your name my dear?" The old women asked with a kind voice. The child smiled, happily "my name is (Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n). It nice to meet you granny.. I never had a granny before what a granny??"

Granny laughed as she saw you wagged your cute little blue Tail. "My dear (Y/n). You sure don't live here." She chuckled, (Y/n) was just confused, when granny patted her head.

"Don't worry (Y/n) me and your Papa will teach you some things about earth." Granny said as she sat (Y/n) on her lap, and started to teach little (Y/n) something's about earth.

While granny and Papa was warming up to little (Y/n) the DBZ fighters was coming towards them, to see who this visitor was and ask a few questions.

A/N: I bet you guys are confused too huh? Of why these old folk are not scared of this alien little girl. I'll tell ya, they are just nice people, they probably aren't scared of (Y/n) because she isn't killing them like most of those alien creatures that come down on earth. Well I hope you guys like it so far XD, i tried , heh..

~see ya guys in the next chapie~

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