Chapter 11: An Over Protective Father

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As you were being pulled away by your father you remember everything about him from the past he always did this everyday, he would shower you, bathe you your mother never showered you nor bathe you. Because she was not into it.

He was always so over protective he would never let you have any friends if they were boys, but only alto. If anyone was to hurt you OR make you cry. He would punish them until they wouldn't be able to move or do anything at all.

Back to you now. You were now in the tub whining, "uuuughhh...daddy, I wanna take a bathe. I can bathe myself." You barked, but your daddy just smiled and started the bathe water.

You shivered you didn't like to take a hot bathe, when you were down on earth you always took a cold shower, or showered in the water fall. "I don't wanna shower in the hot water." You whined, but your father. Just laughed in amused.

As the water finally filled the bathtub, you felt really nice and warm, your father was condition-ing your hair, you loved the nice sensation over your hair being healthy.

Then you grumbled again, and again, making your father not amused, "daddy I'm not a little kid I can take care of myself." You barked again, your father didn't want to see you like this "YES YOU ARE!"  He said as he then placed a magic spell on you then puff you were now about 5 years old.

You looked at yourself, then your tiny little hands, and bawled "WAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAaHhhAAAAA..WAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAaHhhAAAAA..!!!"

the others was already done with their baths. They were all wearing matching clothing matching the culture, of your father's city. when then Piccolo heard you screamed he was concerned and worried, he rushed to where he thought you were, but the maids blocked the way.

"Let me through." He said, but the maids gave him a glare. "No one is aloud only if the king allows them." The maids said. Making Piccolo alittle irritated.

Back to you, you kept whining, and whined, but then you stopped when you opened your eyes to see your father had put in bubbles in your bathe. You ooooh and aaaawed "PRETTY!!!" You said happily clapping your hands.

As your father smiled happily at his little dragon princess. You were trying to catch the bubbles and gaved up on your hands and tried to eat them. But then regretted it, and stuck your tongue out in disgust "bleh.."

Making your father laugh, "hahhah..daawww.. Trying to catch some bubbles little (your nickname)? " he said, making you turn your attention toward him, and making you giggles "yuppie, I wanna go out. Pwease daddy." You said in baby talk.

Your father chuckled, and scuped you out, and wrapped you in a little (y/n) burrito, with the towel to keep you warm, nice and dry. "Okay now let's put on your cloths little (y/n), here we go." Puts your clothes on. You jumped up and down so happy, spinning in your dress loving your clothing.

"Who's birthday is today??" Your father said goofy. "Mines! Mines! Mines!" You said jumping up and down again, excited. Making your father more and more happy, he lift you up and placed you on his shoulders. "Yes it is my little angel."

He then exited to the front where your friends where now. Your father, and you saw all of your friends reactions especially Piccolo's they were all shocked "W-WHAT IN THE WHAT??!!" Goku said, and Gohan was just spaced out shocked, with his mouth opened wide, while Piccolo was like "W-WHAT!! WHAT HAPPENED TO (Y/N)??!"

Your father and Alto just chuckled in amusement, and sarcastically. Leaving them all confused, "heh you did it again huh?" Alto said to your father. Making the father chuckled

"I had to she was growing up to fast for me." The king replied to Alto like best pals, while you jumped off your father alerting him, while you ran towards your friends.

Making your father run after you"(Y/N)!! GET BACK HERE NOW!" he stopped as he saw you holding on to Piccolo's leg tightly as if it was a big cuddly Teddy bear. "IT A WATERMELON!!"

that made everyone stop, and laugh, Piccolo just blushed, and picked you up, carrying you from eyes view, which was worst now you were hugging his neck. "It a Mr. WATERMELON!!"

Your father was not amused, but it was your birthday he wanted you to get what you wanted. "Yes (y/n) it is a watermelon. Mr.watermelon is gonna be your best friend from now on. Would you, you like to come to dad and play?"

You looked at him and said "no." It made him jolt back in shock. "W-whaaaaaat??!!" He saw as you were now snuggling Piccolo neck as if it was a big green pillow.

It made your father very angry and jealous, he pouted angrily he want to spend time with you as his little girl, but it seems that it changed, he was fuming. Piccolo was alittle nervous, he sighed and walked towards the father, and whispered to him. About the relationship between him and her.

The king understood, "well that explains alot. Sigh.. Well I guess I shall leave my little angel to you.. Sigh.. But for now she and you all will stay her for the night. Understood. But I will keep an eye on you. Mr.watermelon." He said as Piccolo nodded a little nervous. Then everyone introduced them selves to each other.

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