Chapter 14: Encounter

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A/N: hey guys it me again!! I'm gonna try and update almost everyday. Since now I'm going on a trip to Hawaii.  Hopefully i can conjure up some good ideas,  for your guys storyline. Okay enough chattering..for me heh..  On with the story!! Oh!  And by the way THIS IS THE PART WHEN YOU MEET FUTURE TRUNKS AND FRIEZA IS YOU KNOW BACK AND STUFF. AND SORRY IF IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE THE ANIME SHOW I'M BASING IT OFF OF MY MEMORY.  JUST SAYING.  Okay now!  Back to the story!

|(Y/N) POV|

I yawn as I had started to stretch myself,  to get ready for some more training. As much as I love to fight, I have gotten bored fighting with the others,  I'm so use to all of their techniques.  I might as well fight them with my eyes closed, I say to myself,  as I pout, and looked around at the Island j was on far away from people to get hurt it was tiny with some bushes here and there and a little bit of forest,  but still smaller, but not as small as Goku's island.  I sit and chill for a bit,  looking at the ocean,  still pouting a bit.  I then started pondering to myself,  thinking how to amuse myself.

A few minutes past as i was thinking when all of a sudden i got the chills. I felt goosebumps spread all over me. I sweated thinking, that this power source is not real.  I felt it land near by, "what the hell was that?? " i say to myself as i then hid my Ki and fly over towards the power source.  Once i got there i couldn't believe my eyes there he stood. Alive and still kicking, well.. Barely he was half metal.  Frieza..i gulped and started to shiver from the last time i was encountered with him, i barely made it last time.  I cursed myself. I gritted my teeth as i stared down at him, but i blinked as i found i wasn't the only one that was here.  I looked to see that the others was here as well.  I flew towards them, and to see that everyone was here including bulma and,  i squealed a little to loudly. I couldn't help it she even brought her little baby trunks. I Stole him out of her arms and snuggled the little guy.

"w-what!  HEY!  (Y/N)!! COME BACK DOWN THIS INSTANT!! YOUR SUPPOSE TO ASK FIRST!  THAT'S MY CHILD FOR GOD'S SAKES!!! BE CAREFUL?!" she yelled at me,  i just continued to snuggle em' and giggled at the adorable smile he's making. "dawwww come on Bulma he is Adorable.  I couldn't resist the cuteness!!  Don't worry i will never  drop him never!  I swear it on my life.  Dawww hey little guy it meee again!  Did ja miss me!! Dawww! " i say as i continued to snuggled em.  But all my happiness went away as soon,  as i saw sight of Frieza in eyes view.  I sweat dropped, "hello there (y/n) it nice to see you still alive and kicking i see. " he looked at me with that devilish smirk of his. I flew away in a flash far away behind the guys holding on to little trunks in a protective stance. "hmf.. I could say the same to you lizard lips. " i said back to him while sticking out my Tongue in irritation. 

He chuckled as he licked his lips,  in a disgusting manor, i rushed and hid behind piccolo in disgusted,  while fake hacking at the site.  He chuckled at my movement,  then starred back at the rest.  "my this will be fun.  Hehehe.. "he cackled.  The boys all looked at him in disgust as well,  and determined to take him down. I handed back bulma little trunks,  and went with the others in a determined face.  "lets do this!" i said as i powered up my ki and drew a stance.  But piccolo and Vegeta blocked my way.  "huh? What the big i deal guys? Move out the way! I Wanna take him on first!! " i said trying to move them,  but they both pushed me back even krillin.  I growled confused,  "hey child. you should sit this one out.  And protect the others. " vegeta said in his stone tone voice.  I looked at him irritated, and confused "what are ya talking about? I wanna fight him,  i can do it!  I gotten stronger.  Are you trying to tell me I'm weak? And who you callin a child I'm full on women here! " i said gritting my teeth i was getting really pissed off,  that they thought i was weak.  I looked at all their faces to see if this was true.

I widen my eyes in shock,  then looked down, gripping my hands into fists.  I felt a hand on my shoulder,  i didn't look up to know that it was piccolo.  I moved quick, away from them and swiftly land a direct punch on Frieza's ugly lizard face. He was punched towards the ground and land on the rock hard surface creating a crater around him.  I smiled and chuckled out proudly.  I wanted to show the boys I'm not weak.  That i can take care of myself, i quickly landed down by Frieza and landed a few punches and kicks on him,  i was proud of myself. But then i was punched in the face really hard, and then i felt him,  grabbed my leg,  with his tail in a flash he yanked me to the ground while continuing to punch me over and over down to the ground.  Creating a crater from every punch, i coughed up blood, as i felt the pain of his fury punches. I quickly with my tail yanked him off of me. He went skimming toward a boulder and smacked his own face on it, i chuckled at the site,  as i got up and wiped off my blood from my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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