Chapter 12: time to let go

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After Piccolo and Goku, Gohan found (y/n) now is a little toddler, and an over protective father. What will they do now?

"So um, your majesty?" Piccolo said as he was interrupted by the king.

"Oh, please call me Alton. Mr. Watermelon. Heh." Alton said.

(or your father, sorry I'm gonna use Alton from now on, but you may use your dad's name if ya want)

As he was joking at his own joke. Piccolo just stayed calm as his usual self.

"Okay um... Alton. Would you mind on returning (y/n) back to her regular age?" Piccolo asked, but Alton, just blinked twice.

"And Why would I wanna do that?" He asked alittle angry. Making Goku and Gohan alittle nervous.

"W-well uh.. Heh. What my friend here wanted to say was" Goku said as he tried to help but didn't know what to say.

"If you saying to turn my daughter. the answer is no. I love her to much she can't grow up yet. Until I say so." He said making Piccolo not pleased, he gritted his teeth. As you were now sleeping on his shoulders.

"Now that is just selfish." Piccolo said making Alton upset at his response. "Grrr.. It is not. I never got to see my daughter for 4 years or more. Because of her mother. While you got to see her grow up. I missed it all. Grrr.."

He said getting all worked up, waking you up. You looked around and saw your father looking angry. You started to bawl as he was shouting "you wanna know what selfish is! Her mother is selfish, and you people are too! Grrr... Why I aught a." He said as he turned super Sayian I think. Making you cry, Piccolo noticed you and holded you tightly, trying to calm you down.

But it wasn't working, you were bawling more and more. You jumped off Piccolo and past your father. Which alerted him as well, he calmed himself as he saw you running away.

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N) WAIT! COME BACK!" He said as he ran to get you, so did the others but you were really fast, you then tripped, and fell on your face cutely.

Which made it way way worse, you bawled and bawled. Then you were picked up by someone. You looked up sniffling "there there. (Y/n) mommy's got you." You looked up and was full of joy on your face with little tears forming out of your eyes. "M-MOMMYYYY!!" you CRIED out happily.

((Your mother was a half dragon your father was also half dragon.))

She hugged you tightly making you looked like a big snuggle marshmallow. "Ahahoho..I've missed you my little blue berry. It looks like you shrunken again, how CUUUUTE." She said as she smuthered you in kisses, and more and more hugs. You giggled "mommy, mommy. I've missed you so much too. I wuv Chu!" You said in your cute baby voice.

Making your mother love you even more. While the others watched in amused except for Alto your father. He growled as he saw his wife loving you. He grunted, and turned the other direction.

You noticed, and yelled with your hands flapping in the air like a bird, with your mother still holding on to you. "Daddy! Daddy! Let play! I wanna play!"

He turned around with a big smile on his face, he was glad. While your mother blushed, but gave a glare to him he just kept smiling and walked over to you and her, and tried to pull you away from her. "I think she wants to play with me dear."

He said with a grudge, and fake smile on his face staring at her. While your mother gave him another glare "uh.. No I think she wanted to play with me." She said as she pulled you back to her. Now they both were pulling you back and forth. You got dizzy.

"Should we stop them?" Gohan said, while Piccolo and Goku answered "nah."

"I wanna play with EVERYONE!!" you said which made them both stop and sighed in defeat. "Okaaaay."

Everyone introduced them selves, and played the games that you wanted to play, like pinata, and pin the dragon, Hide and go seek, tag, little kid games that you could think of.

When the party was over it was time for the cake and we all know what gonna happen to that cake.

"Okay honey, make a wish." Your father said as he holded you up to cake view. You closed your eyes and blew on the cake it was hard cuz it had 16 candles. When you blew them all out.

"Okay who wants cake?" The mother said, and Goku immediately said "I do!" And ate all the cake. Making the mother and father very angry, at least you had a slice before the mother said the question.

"WHAT THE HELL!! " the mother and father said on the same time. And was pounding Goku up,  Goku didn't mind they weren't that bad. "It was worth it." While the parents were done pounding him.

They looked at each other, as you were now playing with Piccolo, making him chase you.

Your mother sighed, and looked at him, as their hands touch making both of them blush, and Alton did an yawn trick and made his arm go over the couch. And on your mother's shoulder, making them closer.

"S-so um.. Honey. I wanted to tell you something. About you know the fight over our daughter. I am...sigh..well sorry. I'm very sorry."

Your mother smiled, and looked back at him. "Say that again?"

"I'm sorry okay. I heard everything from our daughter. You were right. Your always right. I'm so sorry." Your father said shamefully.

Your mother smiled at him "huh what was that I don't think I heard anything." Making him blush more, and alittle annoyed, she giggled, and trying to play hard to get "why you. Heh...get over here!" Your father said as he tackled her, and tickled her. She laughed and laughed making everyone watch.

"Aaahahahah.. Okay okay staaaaap! I give up! I forgive youuuu!!" Your mother said as your father chuckled happily that he won. And gave her a kiss on the lips.

Making Piccolo and Goku cover yours and Gohans eyes. When your parents was done kissing you ran up to them giving em a big hug. "I love Chu mommy, and daddy." They gave each other a big group hug.

"I love you too honey." Your parents said to each other. Making it a little awkward for your friends to keep watching.

While all the lovey dovey stuff was done Piccolo said the same question "so um.. Alton, would you like to turn (y/n) back to normal?" Alton gave him a look, then sighed as he holded his wife's hand.

"He is right honey. You have to learn to let go sometimes. She won't be young forever." He sighed again and nodded. As he looked at his little girl sleeping soundless in Piccolo's arms.

He closed his eyes, and said a sentence in their acient language, and from that instant, there was a bright glow around (y/n) and you floated in the air, and was flash big again to your original size. And your clothes fitted just right too, and then you floated gracefully back down Piccolo catches you.

You were still sleeping soundlessly. Your father looked at you and was already trying hard not to cry. But it was to late he was already bawling, his wife patted his back to ease him.

"P-please take good care of our daughter. Piccolo. I trust you as much as i trust Alto. Take care of our daughter. Please protect her. She seems to have a big liking to you.  I am trusting you to keep her safe." Your father said as he hugged Piccolo.

"I promise." They waved good bye to them as they fled in their pod to earth.

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