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Your story of how you got to earth...

A/N: sorry its really short...

"(Y/n) let's go! We are gonna meet new friends again today." A women tall, with dragon wings, and big curves ((you get the picture.)) With horns on her head, and light blue skin like yours, said, as she waited for you to follow.

"Coming mommy. " you said as you hurried, trying not to trip over your dress. And followed your mother in her ship.

You and your mother was now in space reaching towards planet Freizaaaaa.
You were so Excited. You always loved making new friends. Like on the other planets you went to. To meet other people (alien people) but it ended up in a disaster, when your father didn't approve, the boys how they treated you.

They would always bully you, and throw rocks, but you had a body guard to protect you from ever getting hurt. Anyways he will be told later in the next few chapies...

As you and your mother was about to reach to the planet Freizaaaaa... Your mother ship was being attacked. Your mother paniced, and went straight to the escape pods, but found out that she can't fit inside with you. She shoved you in, and buckled you up. "M-mommy I'm scared."

"(Y/n), don't be scared okay. Everything is going to be okay. Mommy wants you to be brave right now. Mommy  loves you very much.  I want you to try and fly somewhere safe. Okay. I promise you that i will find you. no matter what." She said as she kissed tour forehead.

While leaving you with teary eyes, hugging your mother's soft hands with your tiny hands. " you promise mommy?" You told her as she gave you a smile.

I"I promise my little (y/n)." She said as she pushed the button, and you launched right out of the ship and into space. You mouthed out the words to your mother "I love you!"

Then poof you were now spinning down to a bear by planet called .....'EARTH.'

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