Chapter 7: sad (1/2)

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It finally turned morning, Piccolo stretched himself out, as he woke up he turned to see that you were not on his lap, in the little bundle.

He panicked, and looked around calling your name. "(Y/N)!!(Y/NN!!) WHERE ARE YOU?"

"CALM DOWN!! I'm in the kitchen." That was definitely your voice. He sighed in relief, as he walked to you, you were cooking breakfast. You were trying to stay calm, as possible.

But he knew that you weren't at all. He sighed again, and sat down on by the table. "D-do you want breakfast?" You asked him. He shook his head "no. But thanks for the offer."

The room for ghost quiet. Without her granny and Papa here, she was really lonely. Piccooo didn't notice it. You were behind the counter trying to hold back tears.

You settled the plate down on the table, where you always ate. And you slowly looked at the two empty chairs in front of you. And that made you snap into your most EMOTIONAL state. "WAAAAAH... AHHHH..*hic*" Piccolo just jumped in surprise, he sighed, and got up and sat where your Papa use to sit.

To your surprise, you felt two strong arms embrace you. You open your eyes to see that Piccolo was hugging you. You whined, and took his invitation and hugged him back while shaking.

Piccolo noticed this, and hugged you tighter. He never notice how fragile you were. You were still small to him, you were only '5,4' he still embraced you as you were whimpering your words.

"P-piccolo..*hic* I-i-i'm.. Scared..*sniff*.." He held you tighter, making you kind of hard to breathe. He hated to see you in pain for some reason.

"It is okay (y/n). You are not alone. Okay. You have Goku. Gohan, Bulma, chichi, Trunks, Vegeta, you are not alone. Plus they also said that your Papa, had made it....and...and you also have me too. "

You pushed him away slowly, whipping your eyes as if your were a little bunny. Piccolo help whipped your tears away. You looked up at him. "P-promise..Master..t-that you would always..*sniff* stay by my side."

You looked at him, he smiled back at your cute little face. And patted your head for fun "I promise." You hugged him fast, at his response, so fast that it made him fall off the chair, with you tumbling over.

"Ahhhhh!" You landed safely on him, while he landed on the hard wooden floor, getting a headache. You just laughed at his funny dizzy face. While he grunted, and playfully pushed you off.

"Heh.. Okay Blue head. Get ready we are gonna go visit your grandpa." He said as he placed his white cape back on himself. You got up, and hurried to get yourself done.

It was about 15 to 25 minutes, you came down wearing a purple, zip up dress that your granny got you, for your birthday. It was suppose to be for dates. But she didn't knew that.

She got down and put her hair up, and walked down the stairs. "I'm ready!! How do I look??" You asked piccolo, he just gave you a nod and covered his face to not show his warm blushing cheeks.

"You look f-fine. Lets go." He said as he and her flew to the hospital to where your papa was getting treated. To your surprise your friends was waiting in the lobby with gifts and and balloons that said 'get well soon.', and 'hope' and stuff like that.

You got hugs from everyone, you CRIED alittle from all the emotion. "I'm glad you are feeling okay now (y/n). The doctor here is mean. He won't let us see your Papa." Bulma said as she huffed at the doctor coming.

You walked up to the man that was taller than you. You pinched his white cloak. The man was irritated "WHAT!! can't you see I'm busy-" the doctor said but he accidentally smacked your face.

He didn't realize how short you were. He jolt back, and regretted to what he had done. "Uh .um..s-sorry.. I-I didn't realize t-that.." The doctor said, but he then was yanked by the close, from Piccolo.

Piccolo was in rage, he pounded the doctors face " HOW DARE YOU SLAP HER! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD SHE IS TAKING HER SITUATION. HUH. YOU IDIOT! YOU THINK YOU GOT PROBLEMS! WELL WHY DON'T YOU STEP INTO HER SHOES, OR MINE FOR INSTANCE." Piccolo said as he pounded the doctor more. But was stopped from Goku and the others.

Making sure he doesn't kill the doctor that needs to help other patients. While you just stood there completely clueless. With a hand smack in your cheek. You totally was dense right now. You didn't understand what was going on, or felt the pain in your cheek. (Thanks to Piccolo training.)

You walked up to the now in pain doctor, you tapped on his white coat, making the doctor jump frightened "AHHHHH! PLEAAAASE! PLEAAASE! DON'T KILL MEEE! I'M BEGGING YOUU! I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU. I WOULD NEVER HURT A CHILD." the doctor cried out.

You just sulked "I'm not a kid." You huffed, then calmed down, and talked to him. "I forgive you. But would you let me and my friends see my grandpa? He was..the one from a car crash from last night. Please dear Sir."

You told the doctor. He nodded repeatedly, and hurried to lead you and your friends to the room where your grandpa laid, breathing through an oxygen tank.

You walked slowly towards your Papa, with everybody following after you. Everybody sat or stand up you stood there by your Papa side, he was laying in bed.

"P-papa.." You croaked making the others hearts sank.

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